Bill Sponsor
Virginia Senate Bill 253
Session 2024
Shared solar programs; amends existing program provisions to apply to Dominion Energy Virginia.
Became Law
Became Law
Signed by Governor on Apr 8, 2024
First Action
Jan 9, 2024
Latest Action
Apr 22, 2024
Origin Chamber
Bill Number
Sponsorship by Party
Shared solar programs; Dominion Energy Virginia; minimum bill; capacity. Amends existing shared solar program provisions to apply to Dominion Energy Virginia (Phase II Utility). The bill provides that a customer's net bill for participation in the shared solar program means the resulting amount a customer must pay the utility after the bill credit, defined in relevant law, is deducted from the customer's monthly gross utility bill. The bill requires the State Corporation Commission to establish a minimum bill, below which a subscriber's net bill cannot go, that is calculated based on the amount of kilowatt-hours billed by the utility. The bill also changes the shared solar program capacity to 450 megawatts and requires the Commission's regulations to allow for program participation by all jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional customer classes. Under the bill, co-location of two or more shared solar facilities is permitted for shared solar program participation if the facilities are located on a single parcel of land. The bill requires the Commission to (i) establish regulations that prohibit early termination fees and credit reporting for low-income customers, (ii) require net financial savings for subscribers relative to the subscription fee, (iii) require a customer's affirmative consent before providing customer billing and usage data to a subscriber organization, and (iv) establish customer engagement rules. Under the bill, any net crediting fee imposed by the shared solar program shall not exceed one percent of the bill credit value and shall be charged to the subscriber organization. The bill also provides that a utility is permitted to seek recovery of bill credit costs in its triennial base review only if such costs would result in the utility being unable to meet its revenue requirement after accounting for all avoided costs that can be realized by ratepayers. The bill specifies that the Commission shall update its shared solar program consistent with the requirements of the bill by January 1, 2025, and shall require each utility to file any associated tariffs, agreements, or forms necessary for implementing the program by July 1, 2025. Additionally, the bill requires the Department of Energy to convene a stakeholder work group to determine the amounts and forms of project incentives for (a) projects located on rooftops, brownfields, or landfills; (b) projects that are dual-use agricultural facilities; or (c) projects that satisfy another category as established by the Department and to submit a written report to the Chairs of the House Committee on Commerce and Energy and the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor no later than November 30, 2024.   Shared solar programs; Dominion Energy Virginia; minimum bill; capacity. Amends existing shared solar program provisions applicable to Dominion Energy Virginia. The bill provides that a customer's net bill for participation in the shared solar program means the resulting amount a customer must pay the utility after the bill credit, defined in relevant law, is deducted from the customer's monthly gross utility bill. The bill divides the shared solar program into two parts, the first of which has an aggregate capacity of 200 megawatts. The bill provides that upon a determination that at least 90 percent of the megawatts of the aggregate capacity of part one of such program has been subscribed, as defined in the bill, and that project construction is substantially complete, the State Corporation Commission shall approve up to an additional 150 megawatts of capacity as part two of such program, 75 megawatts of which shall serve no more than 51 percent low-income customers, as defined in relevant law. The bill directs the Commission to initiate a proceeding to recalculate the minimum bill within 30 days of a final order in a proceeding establishing the value of a solar renewable energy certificate as required by relevant law. The bill specifies that the Commission shall update its shared solar program consistent with the requirements of the bill by March 1, 2025, and shall require each utility to file any associated tariffs, agreements, or forms necessary for implementing the program by December 1, 2025. Additionally, the bill requires the Department of Energy to convene a stakeholder work group to determine the amounts and forms of certain project incentives and to submit a written report to the Chairmen of the House Committee on Labor and Commerce and the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor no later than November 30, 2024. This bill is identical to HB 106.
VA SB253 2024 Shared solar programs Dominion Energy Virginia minimum bill capacity
Record Created
Jan 10, 2024 12:04:53 AM
Record Updated
May 1, 2024 12:28:26 AM