Bill Sponsor
House Simple Resolution 519
118th Congress(2023-2024)
Recognizing that the United States has a moral obligation to meet its foundational promise of guaranteed justice for all.
Introduced in House on Jun 15, 2023
Jun 15, 2023
Latest Action
Jun 15, 2023
Origin Chamber
Simple Resolution
Simple Resolution
A form of legislative measure introduced and potentially acted upon by only one congressional chamber and used for the regulation of business only within the chamber of origin. Depending on the chamber of origin, they begin with a designation of either H.Res. or S.Res. Joint resolutions and concurrent resolutions are other types of resolutions.
Bill Number
Policy Area
Crime and Law Enforcement
Crime and Law Enforcement
Primary focus of measure is criminal offenses, investigation and prosecution, procedure and sentencing; corrections and imprisonment; juvenile crime; law enforcement administration. Measures concerning terrorism may fall under Emergency Management or International Affairs policy areas.
Sponsorship by Party
House Votes (0)
No House votes have been held for this bill.

This resolution expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that the federal government should begin a large-scale effort to reduce incarceration rates and reshape the American legal system by

  • consulting with communities and individuals directly impacted by the justice system;
  • decriminalizing certain behaviors, increasing diversion opportunities, revising sentencing laws, and reducing practices that contribute to recidivism;
  • ending practices that advantage the wealthy and prohibiting private companies from profiting from the criminal justice system; and
  • ending militarized policing practices, investing in other safety services, and implementing policies that address the needs of communities most affected by high rates of incarceration.
Text (1)
June 15, 2023
Actions (2)
Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Introduced in House
H.Res.519 118 Recognizing that the United States has a moral obligation to meet its foundational promise
Public Record
Record Updated
Apr 17, 2024 11:49:25 PM