Bill Sponsor
House Joint Resolution 125
115th Congress(2017-2018)
Making an extension of continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes.
Introduced in House on Jan 16, 2018
Jan 16, 2018
Latest Action
Jan 16, 2018
Origin Chamber
Joint Resolution
Joint Resolution
A form of legislative measure used to propose changes in law, or to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Depending on the chamber of origin, they begin with a designation of either H.J.Res. or S.J.Res. Concurrent resolutions and simple resolutions are other types of resolutions. Bill is another form of legislative measure used to propose law.
Bill Number
Policy Area
Economics and Public Finance
Economics and Public Finance
Primary focus of measure is budgetary matters such as appropriations, public debt, the budget process, government lending, government accounts and trust funds; monetary policy and inflation; economic development, performance, and economic theory.
Sponsorship by Party
New Jersey
House Votes (0)
Senate Votes (0)
No House votes have been held for this bill.

This joint resolution amends the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018 to extend the expiration date of the FY2018 Continuing Resolution (CR) from January 19, 2018, to February 16, 2018. The joint resolution provides continuing appropriations for federal agencies through the earlier of February 16, 2018, or the enactment of the applicable appropriations legislation. It prevents a government shutdown that would otherwise occur when the existing CR expires.

The joint resolution amends title XXI (Children's Health insurance Program) (CHIP) of the Social Security Act to extend funding through FY2023 for CHIP. In addition, the joint resolution: (1) extends through FY2023 funding for the Child Enrollment Contingency Fund, the Childhood Obesity Demonstration Project, the Pediatric Quality Measures Program, and specified outreach and enrollment grants; and (2) reauthorizes through FY2023 the qualifying-states option and the express-lane eligibility option.

Current law provides states with an enhanced Federal Matching Assistance Percentage (FMAP) for child-health assistance through FY2019. The joint resolution maintains the enhanced FMAP in FY2020, but halves the percentage-point increase.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services shall make additional funding available to states for specified activities related to mechanized claims systems.

The joint resolution amends the Internal Revenue Code and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to suspend specified health-related taxes and fees.

Specified budgetary effects of the joint resolution shall be exempt from Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) rules and certain budget scorekeeping guidelines.

Text (1)
January 16, 2018
Actions (2)
Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, and the Budget, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Introduced in House
Public Record
Record Updated
Jan 11, 2023 1:39:03 PM