21st Century Strengthening Hands On Programs that Cultivate Learning Approaches for Successful Students Act or the SHOP CLASS Act
This bill amends the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 to require state leadership activities funded under such Act to include: (1) professional development programs to ensure that public school teachers of career and technical education develop a higher level of academic and industry knowledge and skills in maker education (a hands-on-learning approach that encourages students to imagine, create, innovate, tinker, and collaborate through the process of manufacturing, testing, and demonstrating their ideas); and (2) support for maker education and makerspaces (a community space that provides access to tools, technology, and knowledge for learners and entrepreneurs, that result in the prototyping or creation of physical goods, and that supports the development of educational opportunities for personal growth, workforce training, and early stage business ventures).
The bill requires local educational agencies' use of funds under such Act to include support for career and technical education programs designed to train teachers in the effective use and application of maker education and makerspaces.