Bill Sponsor
Illinois Senate Bill 1698
Session 102nd
Access To Justice Fund
Became Law
Became Law
Became Law on Dec 8, 2022
Linda Holmes
Jay C. Hoffman
First Action
Feb 26, 2021
Latest Action
Dec 8, 2022
Origin Chamber
Bill Number
Sponsorship by Party
Senate Votes (3)
House Votes (1)
Motion Text
Concurrence, Amendment 3
Senate Roll Call Votes
Amends the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act. Provides that "grantor agency" includes the Illinois Equal Justice Foundation when it makes grants under the Access to Justice Act or the Illinois Equal Justice Act. Amends the Access to Justice Act. Provides that grants or distributions made under the Act by (rather than to) the Illinois Equal Justice Foundation are subject to the requirements of the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act. Effective immediately. House Floor Amendment No. 2 Deletes reference to: 30 ILCS 705/2 705 ILCS 95/15 Adds reference to: 820 ILCS 405/235 from Ch. 48, par. 345 820 ILCS 405/401 from Ch. 48, par. 401 820 ILCS 405/403 from Ch. 48, par. 403 820 ILCS 405/1400.1 820 ILCS 405/1505 from Ch. 48, par. 575 820 ILCS 405/1506.6 820 ILCS 405/2101.1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Unemployment Insurance Act. Modifies provisions concerning what the term "wages" does not include for calendar years 2023 through 2027. Removes specified provisions regarding remuneration paid to an individual for calendar years 2005 through 2020. Provides that, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2025 (rather than 2023) and before January 1, 2026 (rather than 2024), "maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each week beginning within a benefit period means 40.6% (rather than 42.4%) of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded to the next higher dollar. Provides that, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2025 (rather than 2023) and before January 1, 2026 (rather than 2024), any otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled, during such benefit year, to a maximum total amount of benefits equal to 23 (rather than 24) times his or her weekly benefit amount plus dependents' allowances, or to the total wages for insured work paid to such individual during the individual's base period, whichever is smaller. In provisions concerning solvency adjustments, makes specified changes to what balance the trust fund needs to meet for the rate adjustments to apply. Provides that the target balance in calendar year 2023 and each calendar year thereafter is $1,750,000,000. Provides that if an appropriation is made in calendar year 2023 to this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund, as a loan solely for purposes of paying unemployment insurance benefits under this Act and without the accrual of interest, from a fund of the State treasury, the Director shall take all necessary action to transfer 10% of the total amount of the appropriation from this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund to the State's Budget Stabilization Fund prior to July 1 of each year or as soon thereafter as practical. Makes other changes. Provides that if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023, then previously described provisions are inoperative. Instead, reinserts certain provisions previously described but changes the benefit years described to 2024 and 2025. Makes other changes. Effective January 1, 2023. House Floor Amendment No. 3 Provides that the wage base adjustment, rate adjustment, and allowance adjustment applicable to any calendar year prior to 2023 shall be as determined pursuant to specified provisions as in effect prior to the effective date. Corrects typographical errors.
Record Created
Feb 26, 2021 11:36:18 PM
Record Updated
Dec 9, 2022 7:59:03 PM