Bill Sponsor
Virginia House Bill 1075
Session 2024
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Virginia Program; established, report, sunset date.
Became Law
Became Law
Signed by Governor on Mar 26, 2024
First Action
Jan 10, 2024
Latest Action
Mar 26, 2024
Origin Chamber
Bill Number
Sponsorship by Party
House Votes (3)
Senate Votes (3)
Motion Text
VOTE: Passage (92-Y 3-N)
House Roll Call Votes
Board of Education; Imagination Library of Virginia Program and Fund established. Establishes the Imagination Library of Virginia Program and the Imagination Library of Virginia Fund for the purpose of encouraging preschool-age children to learn to read by providing one reading selection, defined by the bill as any high-quality, age-appropriate book, monthly to the home of each registered child from birth to age five at no cost to the child's family. The bill provides that each school board in the Commonwealth shall serve as the local partner for the administration of the Program in its respective school division and requires the Board of Education to establish the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Affiliate to collaborate with each school board in (i) mailing monthly reading selections directly to the residence of each child, beginning as early as such child's birth month through the month in which such child reaches five years of age, (ii) identifying and locating families with an eligible child within such school division and encouraging them to register such child for the Program, and (iii) handling any undelivered monthly reading selections. The bill provides that the costs incurred by each school board shall, subject to appropriation, be reimbursed to each such school board. The bill establishes that the Board is responsible for the administration of the Program, including (a) managing the Program's daily operations or delegating such management to the Department of Education, the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Affiliate, or such other entity as the Board may deem appropriate; (b) coordinating with local organizations and each school board to advance and strengthen the Program; (c) developing, promoting, and coordinating a public awareness program to increase awareness of the Program; (d) ensuring the appropriation of sufficient funds by including in any budget request each year a plan to ensure the distribution of sufficient funds to each school division; and (e) providing an annual report to the Senate Committee on Education and Health and the House Committee on Education detailing the activities of the Program and Fund for the immediately preceding year. The provisions of the bill expire on January 1, 2029. Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Virginia Program established. Establishes Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Virginia Program for the purpose of promoting a comprehensive statewide initiative for encouraging preschool-age children to develop a love of reading and learning whereby one reading selection, as defined in the bill, is provided per month to each registered child from birth to age five in each participating county at no cost to the family of such child. The bill requires the Program to contribute to local programs a 50 percent match of funds, if available, required of such local programs participating in Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in the Commonwealth. The bill requires a nonprofit entity dedicated to statewide early literacy advocacy to serve as the program administrator and be responsible for the development, implementation, and administration of the Program. The bill sunsets on January 1, 2029.
Record Created
Jan 10, 2024 5:14:37 PM
Record Updated
Apr 5, 2024 6:35:43 PM