Bill Sponsor
Senate Bill 2958
118th Congress(2023-2024)
Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2023
Passed Senate on Apr 18, 2024
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S. 2958 (Engrossed-in-Senate)

2d Session
S. 2958


To amend the Coastal Barrier Resources Act to make improvements to that Act, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title; table of contents.

SEC. 101. Definitions.

Section 3 of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3502) is amended—

(1) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking “For purposes of” and inserting the following:

“(a) In general.—For purposes of”;

(2) in subsection (a) (as so designated)—

(A) by indenting the margins of each of paragraphs (1) through (7), and each of the subparagraphs and clauses within those paragraphs, appropriately;

(B) in paragraph (1)—

(i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking “means” and inserting “includes”;

(ii) in subparagraph (A)—

(I) in the matter preceding clause (i), by inserting “bluff,” after “barrier spit,”; and

(II) in clause (ii), by inserting “and related lands” after “aquatic habitats”;

(iii) in subparagraph (B), by inserting “, including areas that are and will be vulnerable to coastal hazards, such as flooding, storm surge, wind, erosion, and sea level rise” after “nearshore waters”; and

(iv) in the matter following subparagraph (B), by striking “, and man’s activities on such features and within such habitats,”;

(C) by redesignating paragraphs (5) through (7) as paragraphs (6) through (8), respectively; and

(D) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following:


“(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘Otherwise Protected Area’ means any unit of the System that, at the time of designation, was predominantly composed of areas established under Federal, State, or local law, or held by a qualified organization, primarily for wildlife refuge, sanctuary, recreational, or natural resource conservation purposes.

“(B) QUALIFIED ORGANIZATION.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term ‘qualified organization’ has the meaning given the term in section 170(h)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.”; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

“(b) Savings provision.—Nothing in this section supersedes the official maps described in section 4(a).”.

SEC. 102. Coastal hazard pilot project.

(a) In general.—

(1) PROJECT.—The Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the heads of appropriate State coastal zone management agencies, shall carry out a coastal hazard pilot project to propose definitions and criteria and produce maps of areas, including coastal mainland areas, which could be added to the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System established by section 4(a) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3503(a)) that are and will be vulnerable to coastal hazards, such as flooding, storm surge, wind, erosion and sea level rise, and areas to which barriers and associated habitats are likely to migrate or be lost as sea level rises.

(2) NUMBER OF UNITS.—The project carried out under this section shall consist of the creation of maps for at least 10 percent of the System and may also identify additional new System units.

(b) Report.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a report describing the results of the pilot project and the proposed definitions and criteria and costs of completing maps for the entire System.

(2) CONTENTS.—The report shall include a description of—

(A) the final recommended maps created under the coastal hazard pilot project;

(B) recommendations for the adoption of the final recommended maps created under this section by Congress;

(C) a summary of the comments received from the Governors of the States, other government officials, and the public regarding the definitions, criteria, and draft maps;

(D) a description of the criteria used for the project and any related recommendations; and

(E) the amount of funding necessary for completing maps for the entire System.

(c) Consultation.—The Secretary of the Interior shall prepare the report required under subsection (b)—

(1) in consultation with the Governors of the States in which any newly identified areas are located; and

(2) after—

(A) providing an opportunity for the submission of public comments; and

(B) considering any public comments submitted under subparagraph (A).

SEC. 103. John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System.

(a) Technical amendments.—Section 4 of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3503) is amended—

(1) in subsection (a), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by inserting “as System units and Otherwise Protected Areas” after “generally depicted”; and

(2) in subsection (f)(2), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking “copy of the map” and inserting “notification of the availability of the map”.

(b) Excess Federal property.—Section 4(e) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3503(e)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(3) DEFINITION OF UNDEVELOPED COASTAL AREA.—Notwithstanding section 3(1) and subsection (g), in this subsection the term ‘undeveloped coastal barrier’ means any coastal barrier regardless of the degree of development.”.

SEC. 104. Nonapplicability of prohibitions to otherwise protected areas and structures in new additions to the System.

Section 5 of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3504) is amended—

(1) in subsection (a), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by inserting “subsections (c) and (d) and” after “Except as provided in”; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

“(c) Applicability to otherwise protected areas.—Consistent with the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 (Public Law 101–591; 104 Stat. 2931), except for limitations on new flood insurance coverage described in section 1321 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4028), the prohibitions on Federal expenditures and financial assistance described in subsection (a) shall not apply within Otherwise Protected Areas.

“(d) Prohibitions affecting existing insurable structures within the System.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—With respect to additions to the System made on or after the date of enactment of the Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2023 but subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the prohibitions on new expenditures and new financial assistance under subsection (a) shall take effect on the date that is 1 year after the date on which the addition to the System was made.


“(A) IN GENERAL.—An insurable structure described in subparagraph (B) shall remain eligible for new Federal expenditures and new Federal financial assistance.

“(B) INSURABLE STRUCTURE DESCRIBED.—An insurable structure referred to in subparagraph (A) is an insurable structure that is—

“(i) located within a new addition to the System made on or after the date of enactment of the Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2023; and

“(ii) in existence before the expiration of the applicable 1-year period described in paragraph (1).

“(3) INSURABLE STRUCTURES IN OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS.—Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, new Federal expenditures and financial assistance may be provided for insurable structures in Otherwise Protected Areas that are used in a manner consistent with the purpose for which the area is protected.”.

SEC. 105. Require disclosure to prospective buyers that property is in the Coastal Barrier Resources System.

Section 5 of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3504) (as amended by section 104(2)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(e) Disclosure of limitations.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2023, the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, shall promulgate regulations that, with respect to real property located in an affected community, as determined by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, that is offered for sale or lease, require disclosure that the real property is located within a community affected by this Act.”.

SEC. 106. Guidance for emergencies adjacent to the System.

Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the Chief of Engineers, shall develop and finalize guidance relating to the expenditure of Federal funds pursuant to the exception described in section 5(a)(3) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3504(a)(3)) for emergency situations that threaten life, land, and property immediately adjacent to a System unit (as defined in subsection (a) of section 3 of that Act (16 U.S.C. 3502)).

SEC. 107. Exceptions to limitations on expenditures.

(a) Emergency actions.—Section 6(a)(6) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3505(a)(6)) is amended by striking subparagraph (E) and inserting the following:

“(E) Emergency actions necessary to the saving of lives and the protection of property and the public health and safety, if such actions are performed pursuant to sections 402, 403, 407, and 502 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170a, 5170b, 5173, 5192) and are limited to actions that are necessary to alleviate the emergency.”.

(b) Aquaculture operations.—Section 6(a)(6) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3505(a)(6)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(H) Aquaculture operations that—

“(i) produce shellfish (including oysters, clams, and mussels), micro-algae and macro-algae cultivation, or other forms of aquaculture that do not require use of aquaculture feeds; and

“(ii) adhere to best management practices and conservation measures recommended by the Secretary through the consultation process referred to in this subsection.”.

(c) Federal coastal storm risk management projects.—Section 6(a) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3505(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(7) Sourcing of sediment resources for Federal coastal storm risk management projects that have used a System unit for sand to nourish adjacent beaches outside the System pursuant to section 5 of the Act of August 18, 1941 (commonly known as the ‘Flood Control Act of 1941’) (55 Stat. 650, chapter 377; 33 U.S.C. 701n), at any time in the 15-year period prior to the date of enactment of the Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2023 in response to a federally declared disaster.”.

SEC. 108. Improve Federal agency compliance with Coastal Barrier Resources Act.

(a) In general.—Section 7(a) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3506(a)) is amended—

(1) by striking “the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990” and inserting “the Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2023”; and

(2) by striking “promulgate regulations” and inserting “revise or promulgate regulations and guidance, as necessary,”.

(b) Technical correction.—Section 3(2) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3502(2)) is amended by striking “Committee on Resources” and inserting “Committee on Natural Resources”.

SEC. 109. Authorization of appropriations.

Section 10 of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3510) is amended by striking “$2,000,000” and all that follows through the period at the end of the sentence and inserting “$3,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028.”.

SEC. 201. Changes to John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System maps.

(a) In general.—

(1) REPLACEMENT MAPS.—Each map included in the set of maps referred to in section 4(a) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3503(a)) that relates to a unit of the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System established by that section referred to in subsection (b) is replaced in such set with the map described in that subsection with respect to that unit and any other new or reclassified units depicted on that map panel.

(2) NEW MAPS.—The set of maps referred to in section 4(a) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3503(a)) is amended to include the new maps described in subsection (c).

(b) Replacement maps described.—The replacement maps referred to in subsection (a)(1) are the following:

(1) The map entitled “Salisbury Beach Unit MA–01P Plum Island Unit MA–02P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(2) The map entitled “Clark Pond Unit C00 Plum Island Unit MA–02P (2 of 2) Castle Neck Unit MA–03 Wingaersheek Unit C01 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(3) The map entitled “Wingaersheek Unit C01 (2 of 2) Good Harbor Beach/Milk Island Unit C01A Cape Hedge Beach Unit MA–48 Brace Cove Unit C01B” and dated December 18, 2020.

(4) The map entitled “West Beach Unit MA–04 Phillips Beach Unit MA–06” and dated December 18, 2020.

(5) The map entitled “Snake Island Unit MA–08P, Squantum Unit MA–09P Merrymount Park Unit MA–10P West Head Beach Unit C01C/C01CP Peddocks/Rainsford Island Unit MA–11/MA–11P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(6) The map entitled “Cohassett Harbor Unit MA–12 North Scituate Unit C02P Rivermoor Unit C03” and dated December 18, 2020.

(7) The map entitled “Rexhame Unit C03A Duxbury Beach Unit MA–13/MA–13P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(8) The map entitled “Duxbury Beach Unit MA–13/MA–13P (2 of 2) Plymouth Bay Unit C04” and dated December 18, 2020.

(9) The map entitled “Center Hill Complex C06 Scusset Beach Unit MA–38P Town Neck Unit MA–14P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(10) The map entitled “Scorton Unit C08 Sandy Neck Unit C09/C09P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(11) The map entitled “Sandy Neck Unit C09/C09P (2 of 2) Chapin Beach Unit MA–15P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(12) The map entitled “Nobscusset Unit MA–16 Freemans Pond Unit C10” and dated December 18, 2020.

(13) The map entitled “Provincetown Unit MA–19P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(14) The map entitled “Provincetown Unit MA–19P (2 of 2) Pamet Harbor Unit MA–18AP Ballston Beach Unit MA–18P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(15) The map entitled “Griffin/Great Islands Complex MA–17P Lieutenant Island Unit MA–17AP” and dated December 18, 2020.

(16) The map entitled “Namskaket Spits Unit C11/C11P Boat Meadow Unit C11A/C11AP Nauset Beach/Monomoy Unit MA–20P (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(17) The map entitled “Nauset Beach/Monomoy Unit MA–20P (2 of 3) Harding Beach Unit MA–40P Chatham Roads Unit C12/C12P Red River Beach Unit MA–41P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(18) The map entitled “Nauset Beach/Monomoy Unit MA–20P (3 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(19) The map entitled “Davis Beach Unit MA–23P Lewis Bay Unit C13/C13P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(20) The map entitled “Squaw Island Unit C14 Centerville Unit C15/C15P Dead Neck Unit C16 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(21) The map entitled “Dead Neck Unit C16 (2 of 2) Popponesset Spit Unit C17 Waquoit Bay Unit C18 Falmouth Ponds Unit C18A” and dated December 18, 2020.

(22) The map entitled “Quissett Beach/Falmouth Beach Unit MA–42P Black Beach Unit C19, Little Sippewisset Marsh Unit C19P Chapoquoit Beach Unit MA–43/MA–43P Herring Brook Unit MA–30” and dated December 18, 2020.

(23) The map entitled “Squeteague Harbor Unit MA–31 Bassetts Island Unit MA–32 Phinneys Harbor Unit MA–33 Buzzards Bay Complex C19A (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(24) The map entitled “Buzzards Bay Complex C19AP (2 of 3) Planting Island Unit MA–35” and dated December 18, 2020.

(25) The map entitled “Buzzards Bay Complex C19A (3 of 3) West Sconticut Neck Unit C31A/C31AP Little Bay Unit MA–47P Harbor View Unit C31B” and dated December 18, 2020.

(26) The map entitled “Round Hill Unit MA–36, Mishaum Point Unit C32 Demarest Lloyd Park Unit MA–37P Little Beach Unit C33 (1 of 2) Round Hill Point Unit MA–45P, Teal Pond Unit MA–46” and dated December 18, 2020.

(27) The map entitled “Little Beach Unit C33 (2 of 2) Horseneck Beach Unit C34/C34P Richmond/Cockeast Ponds Unit C35” and dated December 18, 2020.

(28) The map entitled “Coatue Unit C20/C20P (1 of 2) Sesachacha Pond Unit C21” and dated December 18, 2020.

(29) The map entitled “Coatue Unit C20/C20P (2 of 2) Cisco Beach Unit C22P Esther Island Complex C23/23P (1 of 2) Tuckernuck Island Unit C24 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(30) The map entitled “Esther Island Complex C23 (2 of 2) Tuckernuck Island Unit C24 (2 of 2) Muskeget Island Unit C25” and dated December 18, 2020.

(31) The map entitled “Harthaven Unit MA–26, Edgartown Beach Unit MA–27P Trapps Pond Unit MA–27, Eel Pond Beach Unit C26 Cape Poge Unit C27, Norton Point Unit MA–28P South Beach Unit C28 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(32) The map entitled “South Beach Unit C28 (2 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(33) The map entitled “Squibnocket Complex C29/C29P Nomans Land Unit MA–29P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(34) The map entitled “James Pond Unit C29A Mink Meadows Unit C29B Naushon Island Complex MA–24 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(35) The map entitled “Naushon Island Complex MA–24 (2 of 2) Elizabeth Island Unit C31 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(36) The map entitled “Elizabeth Island Unit C31 (2 of 2) Penikese Island Unit MA–25P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(37) The map entitled “Cedar Cove Unit C34A” and dated December 18, 2020.

(38) The map entitled “Little Compton Ponds Unit D01 Tunipus Pond Unit D01P Brown Point Unit RI–01” and dated December 18, 2020.

(39) The map entitled “Fogland Marsh Unit D02/D02P, Sapowet Point Unit RI–02/RI–02P McCorrie Point Unit RI–02A Sandy Point Unit RI–03P Prudence Island Complex D02B/D02BP (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(40) The map entitled “Prudence Island Complex D02B/D02BP (2 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(41) The map entitled “Prudence Island Complex D02B/D02BP (3 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(42) The map entitled “West Narragansett Bay Complex D02C” and dated December 18, 2020.

(43) The map entitled “Fox Hill Marsh Unit RI–08/RI–08P Bonnet Shores Beach Unit RI–09 Narragansett Beach Unit RI–10/RI–10P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(44) The map entitled “Seaweed Beach Unit RI–11P East Matunuck Beach Unit RI–12P Point Judith Unit RI–14P, Card Ponds Unit D03/D03P Green Hill Beach Unit D04 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(45) The map entitled “Green Hill Beach Unit D04 (2 of 2) East Beach Unit D05P Quonochontaug Beach Unit D06/D06P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(46) The map entitled “Misquamicut Beach Unit RI–13P Maschaug Ponds Unit D07 Napatree Unit D08/D08P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(47) The map entitled “Block Island Unit D09/D09P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(48) The map entitled “Wilcox Beach Unit E01 Ram Island Unit E01A Mason Island Unit CT–01” and dated December 18, 2020.

(49) The map entitled “Bluff Point Unit CT–02 Goshen Cove Unit E02” and dated December 18, 2020.

(50) The map entitled “Jordan Cove Unit E03, Niantic Bay Unit E03A Old Black Point Unit CT–03, Hatchett Point Unit CT–04 Little Pond Unit CT–05, Mile Creek Unit CT–06” and dated December 18, 2020.

(51) The map entitled “Griswold Point Unit CT–07 Lynde Point Unit E03B Cold Spring Brook Unit CT–08” and dated December 18, 2020.

(52) The map entitled “Menunketesuck Island Unit E04 Hammonasset Point Unit E05 Toms Creek Unit CT–10 Seaview Beach Unit CT–11” and dated December 18, 2020.

(53) The map entitled “Lindsey Cove Unit CT–12 Kelsey Island Unit CT–13 Nathan Hale Park Unit CT–14P Morse Park Unit CT–15P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(54) The map entitled “Milford Point Unit E07 Long Beach Unit CT–18P Fayerweather Island Unit E08AP” and dated December 18, 2020.

(55) The map entitled “Norwalk Islands Unit E09/E09P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(56) The map entitled “Jamaica Bay Unit NY–60P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(57) The map entitled “Jamaica Bay Unit NY–60P (2 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(58) The map entitled “Sands Point Unit NY–03 Prospect Point Unit NY–04P Dosoris Pond Unit NY–05P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(59) The map entitled “The Creek Beach Unit NY–06/NY–06P Centre Island Beach Unit NY–07P, Centre Island Unit NY–88 Lloyd Beach Unit NY–09P Lloyd Point Unit NY–10/NY–10P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(60) The map entitled “Lloyd Harbor Unit NY–11/NY–11P, Eatons Neck Unit F02 Hobart Beach Unit NY–13, Deck Island Harbor Unit NY–89 Centerpoint Harbor Unit NY–12, Crab Meadow Unit NY–14” and dated December 18, 2020.

(61) The map entitled “Sunken Meadow Unit NY–15/NY–15P Stony Brook Harbor Unit NY–16 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(62) The map entitled “Stony Brook Harbor Unit NY–16/NY–16P (2 of 2) Crane Neck Unit F04P Old Field Beach Unit F05/F05P Cedar Beach Unit NY–17/NY–17P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(63) The map entitled “Wading River Unit NY–18 Baiting Hollow Unit NY–19P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(64) The map entitled “Luce Landing Unit NY–20P, Mattituck Inlet Unit NY–21P East Creek Unit NY–34P, Indian Island Unit NY–35P Flanders Bay Unit NY–36/NY–36P, Red Creek Pond Unit NY–37 Iron Point Unit NY–97P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(65) The map entitled “Goldsmith Inlet Unit NY–22P, Pipes Cove Unit NY–26 (1 of 2) Southold Bay Unit NY–28, Cedar Beach Point Unit NY–29P (1 of 2) Hog Neck Bay Unit NY–30 Peconic Dunes Unit NY–90P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(66) The map entitled “Little Creek Unit NY–31/NY–31P, Cutchogue Harbor Unit NY–31A Downs Creek Unit NY–32, Robins Island Unit NY–33 Squire Pond Unit NY–38, Cow Neck Unit NY–39 North Sea Harbor Unit NY–40/NY–40P, Cold Spring Pond Unit NY–92” and dated December 18, 2020.

(67) The map entitled “Truman Beach Unit NY–23/NY–23P Orient Beach Unit NY–25P Hay Beach Point Unit NY–47” and dated December 18, 2020.

(68) The map entitled “F06, NY–26 (2 of 2), NY–27, NY–29P (2 of 2), NY–41P NY–42, NY–43/NY–43P, NY–44, NY–45 NY–46, NY–48, NY–49, NY–50 NY–51P, NY–93, NY–94, NY–95P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(69) The map entitled “Gardiners Island Barriers Unit F09 (1 of 2) Plum Island Unit NY–24” and dated December 18, 2020.

(70) The map entitled “Sammys Beach Unit F08A, Accabonac Harbor Unit F08B Gardiners Island Barriers Unit F09 (2 of 2) Napeague Unit F10P (1 of 2), Hog Creek Unit NY–52 Amagansett Unit NY–56/NY–56P, Bell Park Unit NY–96P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(71) The map entitled “Fisher Island Barriers Unit F01” and dated December 18, 2020.

(72) The map entitled “Big Reed Pond Unit NY–53P Oyster Pond Unit NY–54P Montauk Point Unit NY–55P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(73) The map entitled “Napeague Unit F10/F10P (2 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(74) The map entitled “Mecox Unit F11 Georgica/Wainscott Ponds Unit NY–57 Sagaponack Pond Unit NY–58/NY–58P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(75) The map entitled “Southampton Beach Unit F12 Tiana Beach Unit F13/F13P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(76) The map entitled “Fire Island Unit NY–59P (1 of 6)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(77) The map entitled “Fire Island Unit NY–59P (2 of 6)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(78) The map entitled “Fire Island Unit NY–59P (3 of 6)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(79) The map entitled “Fire Island Unit NY–59/NY–59P (4 of 6)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(80) The map entitled “Fire Island Unit NY–59/NY–59P (5 of 6)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(81) The map entitled “Fire Island Unit NY–59/NY–59P (6 of 6)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(82) The map entitled “Sandy Hook Unit NJ–01P Monmouth Cove Unit NJ–17P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(83) The map entitled “Navesink/Shrewsbury Complex NJ–04A/NJ–04AP” and dated December 18, 2020.

(84) The map entitled “Metedeconk Neck Unit NJ–04B/NJ–04BP” and dated December 18, 2020.

(85) The map entitled “Island Beach Unit NJ–05P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(86) The map entitled “Island Beach Unit NJ–05P (2 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(87) The map entitled “Cedar Bonnet Island Unit NJ–06/NJ–06P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(88) The map entitled “Brigantine Unit NJ–07P (1 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(89) The map entitled “Brigantine Unit NJ–07P (2 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(90) The map entitled “Brigantine Unit NJ–07P (3 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(91) The map entitled “Brigantine Unit NJ–07P (4 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(92) The map entitled “Corson's Inlet Unit NJ–08P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(93) The map entitled “Stone Harbor Unit NJ–09/NJ–09P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(94) The map entitled “Two Mile Beach Unit NJ–20P Cape May Unit NJ–10P Higbee Beach Unit NJ–11P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(95) The map entitled “Sunray Beach Unit NJ–21P Del Haven Unit NJ–12/NJ–12P Kimbles Beach Unit NJ–13 Moores Beach Unit NJ–14/NJ–14P (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(96) The map entitled “Moores Beach Unit NJ–14/NJ–14P (2 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(97) The map entitled “Moores Beach Unit NJ–14/NJ–14P (3 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(98) The map entitled “Little Creek Unit DE–01/DE–01P (1 of 2) Broadkill Beach Unit H00/H00P (1 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(99) The map entitled “Broadkill Beach Unit H00/H00P (2 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(100) The map entitled “Broadkill Beach Unit H00/H00P (3 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(101) The map entitled “Broadkill Beach Unit H00/H00P (4 of 4) Beach Plum Island Unit DE–02P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(102) The map entitled “Cape Henlopen Unit DE–03P Silver Lake Unit DE–06” and dated December 18, 2020.

(103) The map entitled “Fenwick Island Unit DE–08P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(104) The map entitled “Bombay Hook Unit DE–11P (2 of 2) Little Creek Unit DE–01P (2 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(105) The map entitled “Assateague Island Unit MD–01P (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(106) The map entitled “Assateague Island Unit MD–01P (2 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(107) The map entitled “Assateague Island Unit MD–01P (3 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(108) The map entitled “Fair Island Unit MD–02 Sound Shore Unit MD–03/MD–03P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(109) The map entitled “Cedar/Janes Islands Unit MD–04P (1 of 2) Joes Cove Unit MD–06 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(110) The map entitled “Cedar/Janes Islands Unit MD–04P (2 of 2) Joes Cove Unit MD–06 (2 of 2) Scott Point Unit MD–07P, Hazard Island Unit MD–08P St. Pierre Point Unit MD–09P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(111) The map entitled “Little Deal Island Unit MD–11 Deal Island Unit MD–12 Franks Island Unit MD–14/MD–14P Long Point Unit MD–15” and dated December 18, 2020.

(112) The map entitled “Stump Point Unit MD–16” and dated December 18, 2020.

(113) The map entitled “Martin Unit MD–17P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(114) The map entitled “Marsh Island Unit MD–18P Holland Island Unit MD–19” and dated December 18, 2020.

(115) The map entitled “Jenny Island Unit MD–20 Lower Hooper Island Unit MD–58” and dated December 18, 2020.

(116) The map entitled “Barren Island Unit MD–21P Meekins Neck Unit MD–59” and dated December 18, 2020.

(117) The map entitled “Hooper Point Unit MD–22 Covey Creek Unit MD–24” and dated December 18, 2020.

(118) The map entitled “Boone Creek Unit MD–26 Benoni Point Unit MD–27 Chlora Point Unit MD–60” and dated December 18, 2020.

(119) The map entitled “Lowes Point Unit MD–28 Rich Neck Unit M–29 Kent Point Unit MD–30” and dated December 18, 2020.

(120) The map entitled “Stevensville Unit MD–32 Wesley Church Unit MD–33 Eastern Neck Island Unit MD–34P Wilson Point Unit MD–35” and dated December 18, 2020.

(121) The map entitled “Tanner Creek Unit MD–47 Point Lookout Unit MD–48P Potter Creek Unit MD–63 Bisco Creek Unit MD–49” and dated December 18, 2020.

(122) The map entitled “Biscoe Pond Unit MD–61P, Carroll Pond Unit MD–62 St. Clarence Creek Unit MD–44 Deep Point Unit MD–45, Point Look-In Unit MD–46 Chicken Cock Creek Unit MD–50” and dated December 18, 2020.

(123) The map entitled “Drum Point Unit MD–39 Lewis Creek Unit MD–40 Green Holly Pond Unit MD–41” and dated December 18, 2020.

(124) The map entitled “Flag Ponds Unit MD–37P Cove Point Marsh Unit MD–38/MD–38P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(125) The map entitled “Cherryfield Unit MD–64, Piney Point Creek Unit MD–51 McKay Cove Unit MD–52, Blake Creek Unit MD–53 Belvedere Creek Unit MD–54” and dated December 18, 2020.

(126) The map entitled “St. Clements Island Unit MD–55P St. Catherine Island Unit MD–56” and dated December 18, 2020.

(127) The map entitled “Assateague Island Unit VA–01P (1 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(128) The map entitled “Assateague Island Unit VA–01P (2 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(129) The map entitled “Assateague Island Unit VA–01P (3 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(130) The map entitled “Assateague Island Unit VA–01P (4 of 4) Assawoman Island Unit VA–02P (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(131) The map entitled “Assawoman Island Unit VA–02P (2 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(132) The map entitled “Assawoman Island Unit VA–02P (3 of 3) Metompkin Island Unit VA–03P Cedar Island Unit K03 (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(133) The map entitled “Cedar Island Unit K03 (2 of 3) Parramore/Hog/Cobb Islands Unit VA–04P (1 of 5)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(134) The map entitled “Cedar Island Unit K03 (3 of 3) Parramore/Hog/Cobb Islands Unit VA–04P (2 of 5)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(135) The map entitled “Parramore/Hog/Cobb Islands Unit VA–04P (3 of 5)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(136) The map entitled “Parramore/Hog/Cobb Islands Unit VA–04P (4 of 5)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(137) The map entitled “Parramore/Hog/Cobb Islands Unit VA–04P (5 of 5) Little Cobb Island Unit K04 Wreck Island Unit VA–05P (1 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(138) The map entitled “Wreck Island Unit VA–05P (2 of 4)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(139) The map entitled “Wreck Island Unit VA–05P (3 of 4) Smith Island Unit VA–06P (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(140) The map entitled “Wreck Island Unit VA–05P (4 of 4) Smith Island Unit VA–06P (2 of 3) Fishermans Island Unit K05/K05P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(141) The map entitled “Smith Island Unit VA–06P (3 of 3) Fishermans Island Unit K05/K05P (2 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(142) The map entitled “Elliotts Creek Unit VA–09 Old Plantation Creek Unit VA–10 Wescoat Point Unit VA–11” and dated December 18, 2020.

(143) The map entitled “Great Neck Unit VA–12 Westerhouse Creek Unit VA–13 Shooting Point Unit VA–14” and dated December 18, 2020.

(144) The map entitled “Scarborough Neck Unit VA–16/VA–16P Craddock Neck Unit VA–17/VA–17P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(145) The map entitled “Craddock Neck Unit VA–17 (2 of 2) Hacks Neck Unit VA–18 Parkers/Finneys Islands Unit VA–19 Parkers Marsh Unit VA–20/VA–20P (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(146) The map entitled “Parkers Marsh Unit VA–20 (2 of 3) Beach Island Unit VA–21 (1 of 2) Russell Island Unit VA–22/VA–22P Simpson Bend Unit VA–23” and dated December 18, 2020.

(147) The map entitled “Parkers Marsh Unit VA–20/VA–20P (3 of 3) Beach Island Unit VA–21 (2 of 2) Watts Island Unit VA–27” and dated December 18, 2020.

(148) The map entitled “Drum Bay Unit VA–24” and dated December 18, 2020.

(149) The map entitled “Fox Islands Unit VA–25” and dated December 18, 2020.

(150) The map entitled “Cheeseman Island Unit VA–26” and dated December 18, 2020.

(151) The map entitled “Tangier Island Unit VA–28/VA–28P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(152) The map entitled “Elbow Point Unit VA–29 White Point Unit VA–30 Cabin Point Unit VA–31 Glebe Point Unit VA–32” and dated December 18, 2020.

(153) The map entitled “Sandy Point Unit VA–33 Judith Sound Unit VA–34” and dated December 18, 2020.

(154) The map entitled “Cod Creek Unit VA–35 Presley Creek Unit VA–36 Cordreys Beach Unit VA–37 Marshalls Beach Unit VA–38” and dated December 18, 2020.

(155) The map entitled “Ginny Beach Unit VA–39P, Gaskin Pond Unit VA–40 Owens Pond Unit VA–41, Chesapeake Beach Unit VA–42 Fleet Point Unit VA–43 Bussel Point Unit VA–44” and dated December 18, 2020.

(156) The map entitled “Harveys Creek Unit VA–45, Dameron Marsh Unit VA–63P Ingram Cove Unit VA–46 Bluff Point Neck Unit VA–47/VA–47P Barnes Creek Unit VA–48” and dated December 18, 2020.

(157) The map entitled “Little Bay Unit VA–64, North Point Unit VA–49 White Marsh Unit VA–65P, Windmill Point Unit VA–50 Deep Hole Point Unit VA–51, Sturgeon Creek Unit VA–52 Jackson Creek Unit VA–53” and dated December 18, 2020.

(158) The map entitled “Rigby Island/Bethal Beach Unit VA–55/VA–55P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(159) The map entitled “Rigby Island/Bethal Beach Unit VA–55 (2 of 2) New Point Comfort Unit VA–56” and dated December 18, 2020.

(160) The map entitled “Lone Point Unit VA–66 Oldhouse Creek Unit VA–67 Ware Neck Unit VA–57 Severn River Unit VA–58 (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(161) The map entitled “Severn River Unit VA–58 (2 of 2) Bay Tree Beach Unit VA–68/VA–68P Plum Tree Island Unit VA–59P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(162) The map entitled “Plum Tree Island Unit VA–59P (2 of 2) Long Creek Unit VA–60/VA–60P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(163) The map entitled “Cape Henry Unit VA–61P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(164) The map entitled “Back Bay Unit VA–62P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(165) The map entitled “Back Bay Unit VA–62P (2 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(166) The map entitled “Onslow Beach Complex L05 (2 of 2) Topsail Unit L06 (1 of 2)” and dated April 30, 2021.

(167) The map entitled “Morris Island Unit M06/M06P” and dated April 29, 2021.

(168) The map entitled “Hunting Island Unit SC–09P (1 of 2) Harbor Island Unit M11 (1 of 2) St. Phillips Island Unit M12/M12P (1 of 3)” and dated April 29, 2021.

(169) The map entitled “Hunting Island Unit SC–09P (2 of 2) Harbor Island Unit M11 (2 of 2) St. Phillips Island Unit M12/M12P (2 of 3)” and dated April 29, 2021.

(170) The map entitled “St. Phillips Island Unit M12 (3 of 3)” and dated April 29, 2021.

(171) The map entitled “Grayton Beach Unit FL–95P Draper Lake Unit FL–96” and dated April 30, 2021.

(172) The map entitled “Moreno Point Unit P32/P32P” and dated April 29, 2021.

(173) The map entitled “Isle au Pitre Unit LA–01” and dated March 18, 2016.

(174) The map entitled “Half Moon Island Unit LA–02” and dated March 18, 2016.

(175) The map entitled “Timbalier Bay Unit S04 Timbalier Islands Unit S05 (1 of 3)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(176) The map entitled “Timbalier Islands Unit S05 (2 of 3)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(177) The map entitled “Timbalier Islands Unit S05 (3 of 3)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(178) The map entitled “Isles Dernieres Unit S06 (1 of 3)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(179) The map entitled “Isles Dernieres Unit S06 (2 of 3)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(180) The map entitled “Isles Dernieres Unit S06 (3 of 3)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(181) The map entitled “Point au Fer Unit S07 (1 of 4)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(182) The map entitled “Point au Fer Unit S07 (2 of 4)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(183) The map entitled “Point au Fer Unit S07 (3 of 4)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(184) The map entitled “Point au Fer Unit S07 (4 of 4)” and dated March 18, 2016.

(c) New maps described.—The new maps referred to in subsection (a)(2) are the following:

(1) The map entitled “Odiorne Point Unit NH–01P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(2) The map entitled “Guilford Harbor Unit CT–19P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(3) The map entitled “Silver Sands Unit CT–21P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(4) The map entitled “Calf Islands Unit CT–20P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(5) The map entitled “Malibu Beach Unit NJ–19P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(6) The map entitled “Egg Island Unit NJ–22P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(7) The map entitled “Egg Island Unit NJ–22P (2 of 2) Dix Unit NJ–23P (1 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(8) The map entitled “Dix Unit NJ–23P (2 of 3)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(9) The map entitled “Dix Unit NJ–23P (3 of 3) Greenwich Unit NJ–24P” and dated December 18, 2020.

(10) The map entitled “Woodland Beach Unit DE–09P Fraland Beach Unit DE–10 Bombay Hook Unit DE–11P (1 of 2)” and dated December 18, 2020.

(11) The map entitled “Swan Point Unit MD–65 Lower Cedar Point Unit MD–66” and dated December 18, 2020.

(d) Availability.—The Secretary of the Interior shall keep the maps described in subsections (b) and (c) on file and available for inspection in accordance with section 4(b) of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3503(b)).

Passed the Senate April 18, 2024.



     2d Session
S. 2958

To amend the Coastal Barrier Resources Act to make improvements to that Act, and for other purposes.