Bill Sponsor
House Bill 3387
115th Congress(2017-2018)
Drinking Water System Improvement Act of 2017
Introduced in House on Jul 25, 2017
Jul 25, 2017
Latest Action
Nov 1, 2017
Origin Chamber
The primary form of legislative measure used to propose law. Depending on the chamber of origin, bills begin with a designation of either H.R. or S. Joint resolution is another form of legislative measure used to propose law.
Bill Number
Policy Area
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection
Primary focus of measure is regulation of pollution including from hazardous substances and radioactive releases; climate change and greenhouse gases; environmental assessment and research; solid waste and recycling; ecology. Measures concerning energy exploration, efficiency, and conservation may fall under Energy policy area.
Sponsorship by Party
House Votes (0)
Senate Votes (0)
No House votes have been held for this bill.

Drinking Water System Improvement Act of 2017

This bill amends the Safe Drinking Water Act to address the infrastructure of public water systems and compliance by the systems with drinking water regulations.

Community water systems must include in their consumer confidence reports information about: (1) corrosion control efforts, (2) any exceedances of the lead action level for which corrective action has been required, and (3) violations that occurred. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must revise regulations for consumer confidence reports as outlined by the bill.

The EPA must develop a strategic plan for improving the accuracy and availability of compliance monitoring data.

Within five years and every five years thereafter, the EPA must review, and if appropriate, update educational materials concerning best practices for asset management strategies that may be used by public water systems.

The bill: (1) reauthorizes through FY2022 the public water system supervision grant program and the source water petition program, and (2) reauthorizes through FY2022 and revises the drinking water state revolving fund.

The EPA must review and report to the public on existing and potential methods, means, equipment, and technologies for the treatment and distribution of drinking water.

The EPA must also establish a grant program for the replacement of drinking water fountains that contain lead in schools and day care facilities.

This bill amends the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 to ensure that states and community water systems are notified of a release of a contaminant into their source waters.

Text (2)
November 1, 2017
July 25, 2017
Actions (6)
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 279.
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H. Rept. 115-380.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Introduced in House
Public Record
Record Updated
Jan 11, 2023 1:37:21 PM