Bill Sponsor
Senate Bill 1276
117th Congress(2021-2022)
Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act
Introduced in Senate on Apr 21, 2021
Introduced in Senate 
Apr 21, 2021
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Introduced in Senate(Apr 21, 2021)
Apr 21, 2021
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S. 1276 (Introduced-in-Senate)

1st Session
S. 1276

To designate certain National Forest System land and certain public land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming as wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, wildland recovery areas, and biological connecting corridors, and for other purposes.


April 21, 2021

Mr. Whitehouse (for himself, Mr. Booker, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Durbin, Ms. Hassan, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Markey, Mr. Brown, Ms. Warren, and Ms. Hirono) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources


To designate certain National Forest System land and certain public land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming as wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, wildland recovery areas, and biological connecting corridors, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title; table of contents.

(a) Short title.—This Act may be cited as the “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act”.

(b) Table of contents.—The table of contents of this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 2. Findings.

Sec. 3. Purposes.

Sec. 4. Definitions.

Sec. 101. Purpose.

Sec. 102. Greater Glacier/Northern Continental Divide ecosystem.

Sec. 103. Greater Yellowstone ecosystem.

Sec. 104. Greater Salmon/Selway ecosystem.

Sec. 105. Greater Cabinet/Yaak/Selkirk ecosystem.

Sec. 106. Greater Hells Canyon ecosystem.

Sec. 107. Islands in the Sky wilderness.

Sec. 108. Wilderness in biological connecting corridors.

Sec. 109. Administration.

Sec. 110. Water.

Sec. 111. Donation of grazing permits and leases.

Sec. 201. Findings.

Sec. 202. Designation of biological connecting corridors.

Sec. 203. Treatment of biological connecting corridors.

Sec. 204. Applicability of title.

Sec. 205. Cooperative agreements and land trades and acquisitions.

Sec. 206. Exemption of certain roads and highways.

Sec. 301. Designation of wild and scenic rivers in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

Sec. 401. Definitions.

Sec. 402. Restoration and recovery.

Sec. 403. Management.

Sec. 501. Implementation report.

Sec. 502. Interagency team.

Sec. 503. Roadless land evaluation.

Sec. 601. Rights of Indian Tribes.

Sec. 602. Federal trust responsibility.

Sec. 603. Exemption from Freedom of Information Act.

Sec. 604. Application of Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.

Sec. 605. Tribal use of protected areas.

Sec. 701. Water rights.

SEC. 2. Findings.

Congress finds that—

(1) many areas of undeveloped National Forest System land, National Park System land, and public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming (referred to in this section as “public land”)—

(A) possess outstanding natural characteristics that give the areas value as wildernesses, parks, or wild and scenic rivers; and

(B) if properly preserved, will be an enduring resource as wildernesses and wildland areas and of biodiversity for the benefit of the people of the United States;

(2) the Northern Rockies Bioregion—

(A) contains the most diverse array of wildland that remains in the United States south of Canada;

(B) provides a sanctuary for species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.);

(C) is national interest public land that is among the most popular wildland in the United States; and

(D) embraces greater ecosystems and national treasures such as the Greater Yellowstone, Greater Glacier/Northern Continental Divide, Greater Hells Canyon/Wallowa, Greater Salmon/Selway, and Greater Cabinet/Yaak/Selkirk ecosystems;

(3) the natural ecosystems in the Northern Rockies Bioregion are largely dependent on—

(A) public land; and

(B) the ecological productivity and diversity of resources on public land;

(4) conservation of roadless areas on public land—

(A) produces clean water;

(B) protects native fisheries and native flora and fauna;

(C) provides scenic and recreational qualities; and

(D) preserves options for sustainable economics through activities such as hunting, fishing, and wilderness-based recreation;

(5) the headwaters of several major river systems, including the Columbia, Snake, Green, Missouri, and Saskatchewan Rivers, are in the Northern Rockies Bioregion, and the water of those rivers—

(A) flows to 3 oceans;

(B) is of economic importance to farming and ranching operations, municipal water supplies, and water-based recreation, including fishing and boating; and

(C) if protected, will enhance the uses described in subparagraph (B), reduce costs for water treatment and irrigation, and increase native fish populations;

(6) the wildlife treasures of the Northern Rockies Bioregion are of international significance and contain intact, large mammalian fauna and rare and unique plant life;

(7) wildlife habitat fragmentation due to road building, timber harvesting, mining, oil and gas exploration, lack of interagency cooperation, and other activities has severe effects on—

(A) the wildlife populations of the Northern Rockies Bioregion (including populations of species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)) and the habitats of the wildlife; and

(B) the water quality, ancient forests, and greater ecosystems of the Northern Rockies Bioregion;

(8) the overemphasis on resource extraction from public land has—

(A) compromised ecosystem integrity and detracted from economic diversification opportunities; and

(B) resulted in economic instability and high unemployment in rural, resource-dependent communities;

(9) the fragmentation and development of the remaining roadless and essentially roadless ecosystems and biological connectors of the Northern Rockies Bioregion would cause a loss to the United States of—

(A) an entire wildland region; and

(B) the only remaining area in the United States south of Canada that can support populations of caribou, gray wolves, grizzly bears, anadromous fish, and other rare or endangered plant or animal life in 1 intact bioregion;

(10) since the completion of the 1936 roadless area inventory by Bob Marshall, millions of acres of roadless wildland have been developed in the Northern Rockies Bioregion;

(11) extensive fragmentation of wildland and wildlife habitat has—

(A) resulted in the listing of several species as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.); and

(B) reduced the number and range of other species, including anadromous fish;

(12) the natural ecosystems of the Northern Rockies Bioregion serve as educational and research centers for onsite studies in biology, geology, astronomy, and other sciences;

(13) the pristine nature of public land helps local communities attract new residents and businesses based on local quality of life;

(14) a review of the situation in the Northern Rockies Bioregion as of the date of enactment of this Act has revealed the urgent need for an ecological reserve system for the Northern Rockies Bioregion that includes core ecosystem reserve areas and biological connecting corridors necessary to ensure wildlife movements and genetic interchange between the core reserve areas;

(15) wildlife freedom of movement is essential to the survival of wildlife species, and a number of scientific studies have identified movement corridors as necessary for wildlife conservation in a changing climate;

(16) several foreign governments, including the governments of Australia and Scotland, have announced plans for corridors that would make wildlife movement possible as climate pressures increase;

(17) the concept of connective corridors for wildlife movement—

(A) has been endorsed by the Governors of States in the western United States; and

(B) is recognized by conservation and scientific organizations, such as the National Academy of Sciences, which, in 2008, described freedom of movement for wildlife as basic to the emerging new science of movement ecology;

(18) freedom of wildlife movement—

(A) was a fundamental reason for the development and introduction of this Act; and

(B) has become an increasingly high-profile issue in the climate and biological sciences;

(19) the economic value to the United States of most of the public land, left in its natural state, exceeds any potential return to the Treasury of the United States from timber harvest and development;

(20) if Federal land management in the Northern Rockies Bioregion continues to result in development in roadless areas, the Federal Government will be using tax revenues to fund permanent reductions in wilderness, water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, species, and biological diversity;

(21) this Act—

(A) provides opportunities for employment in outdoor trades by establishing rehabilitation zones on specific tracts of damaged Federal land where active restoration work will occur;

(B) will provide contracts for local businesses; and

(C) will renew the intrinsic economic, social, and cultural benefits that result from productive land;

(22) Federal land rehabilitation projects—

(A) have direct benefits to local economies; and

(B) reduce the loss to taxpayers in the United States caused by below-cost timber sales and other subsidized resource extraction;

(23) a congressional review of roadless areas within public land identifies—

(A) areas that, on the basis of the land form, ecosystem, associated fish and wildlife, economic value, and location of the areas, will help to fulfill the role of the Forest Service, National Park Service, and Bureau of Land Management to ensure a quality National Wilderness Preservation System;

(B) areas that may have value as wild and scenic rivers; and

(C) areas that—

(i) may not possess wilderness attributes and should not now be designated as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System; and

(ii) should be studied to determine the role of the areas in maintaining biological diversity in the Northern Rockies Bioregion;

(24) many areas of public land—

(A) have been damaged and experienced a reduction in productivity due to unwise development practices, which have also impaired ecosystem function and biological diversity, such as the Island Park area adjacent to Yellowstone National Park, which contains large clear-cut areas that border the park boundary; and

(B) should be returned to the former ecological health and native diversity of the areas through efforts—

(i) to ensure that vital ecosystem components are restored, especially in areas in which wildlife travel corridors and native fish and wildlife populations have been damaged or eliminated; and

(ii) to ensure and maintain genetic interchange, biological diversity, and restoration of native species diversity throughout the Northern Rockies Bioregion;

(25) backcountry areas of the National Park System have been damaged by inappropriate management, despite policies that require that recommended wilderness be administered as wilderness;

(26) an emphasis on structures and motorized equipment, and in some instances developed backcountry campsites, in backcountry areas of the National Park System has detracted from and degraded the wilderness character of those backcountry areas;

(27) Federal agencies entrusted with managing the natural resources of the Northern Rockies Bioregion—

(A) operate under contradictory congressional mandates; and

(B) are in dissension over management policies that involve common resources and greater ecosystems;

(28) Federal agency structures and regulatory mechanisms as of the date of enactment of this Act have proven unsatisfactory for the responsible management of nationally important ecosystems on public land;

(29) Federal laws and regulations as of the date of enactment of this Act have not been sufficient to establish and maintain the accountability of Federal agencies for public resources; and

(30) this Act does not affect private existing rights.

SEC. 3. Purposes.

(a) In general.—The purposes of this Act are—

(1) to designate certain National Forest System land, certain National Park System land, and certain public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System;

(2) to designate certain National Forest System land, certain public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management, and watercourses on that National Forest System land and public land in the States of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System;

(3) to prioritize areas for wildland recovery to help restore biological diversity and native species; and

(4) to establish a system of biological connecting corridors between the core ecosystems in the Northern Rockies Bioregion and to ecologically significant wild land to the south of the Northern Rockies Bioregion.

(b) Purpose of designations.—The designations of land made by this Act are made—

(1) to promote, perpetuate, and preserve the wilderness character of the designated land;

(2) to protect water quality, watersheds, and wildlife habitats, including the habitats of species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.);

(3) to protect the ecological integrity and contiguity of major wildland ecosystems and the interconnecting corridors of the ecosystems identified by the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or another official;

(4) to protect and maintain biological and native species diversity and dispersal throughout the Northern Rockies Bioregion;

(5) to promote and ensure interagency cooperation in the implementation of integrated, holistic ecosystem management and protection of the ecosystems and corridors covered by this Act based on principles from conservation biology;

(6) to preserve scenic, historic, and cultural resources;

(7) to promote scientific research, primitive recreation, solitude, physical and mental challenges, and inspiration for the benefit of the people of the United States;

(8) to avoid the misinvestment of scarce capital in land of marginal timber value; and

(9) to promote ecologically and economically sustainable management in the Northern Rockies Bioregion.

SEC. 4. Definitions.

In this Act:

(1) CORRIDOR.—The term “corridor” means an area that provides connectivity of habitat or potential habitat, and that facilitates the ability of terrestrial, estuarine, and freshwater fish, or wildlife, to move within a landscape—

(A) as needed for migration, gene flow, or dispersal; or

(B) in response to the impacts of climate change or other impacts.


(A) IN GENERAL.—The term “development” means an activity that eliminates the roadless and wilderness characteristics of the land on which the activity takes place.

(B) INCLUSIONS.—The term “development” includes the construction or operation of a ski resort facility, road building, timber harvesting, mining, and oil and gas drilling.

(3) GREATER ECOSYSTEM.—The term “greater ecosystem”, when used in conjunction with a specific ecosystem described in this Act, means an ecological land unit—

(A) (i) of sufficient scale to support and maintain populations of large vertebrate species and the other native plant and animal species of the unit; and

(ii) comprised of land that is similar in topography, climate, and plant and animal species on the land; or

(B) contiguous with the habitat of a wildlife indicator species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), including the grizzly bear, lynx, or caribou, as depicted on habitat maps of Federal agencies.

(4) HABITAT.—The term “habitat” means the physical, chemical, and biological properties that are used by fish, wildlife, or plants for growth, reproduction, survival, food, water, and cover on a tract of land, in a body of water, or in an area or region.

(5) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term “Indian Tribe” has the meaning given the term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304).

(6) NORTHERN ROCKIES BIOREGION.—The term “Northern Rockies Bioregion” means the portion of the Northern Rocky Mountains in the States of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, and Washington, as depicted on maps referred to in this Act.

(7) PUBLIC LAND.—The term “public land” has the meaning given the term “public lands” in section 103 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1702).

(8) SECRETARY CONCERNED.—The term “Secretary concerned” means—

(A) the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to National Forest System land; and

(B) the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to National Park System land and public land.

SEC. 101. Purpose.

The purpose of this title is to designate certain National Forest System land, National Park System land, and public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming as wilderness and as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System in furtherance of the purposes of the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.).

SEC. 102. Greater Glacier/Northern Continental Divide ecosystem.

(a) Definition of Map.—In this section, the term “Map” means the map entitled “Northern Continental Divide” and dated April 28, 2016.

(b) Designations.—To protect the unique ecosystem of the greater Glacier/Northern Continental Divide ecosystem, the following land is designated as wilderness:

(1) BOB MARSHALL WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Bob Marshall Wilderness:

(A) CHOTEAU MOUNTAIN/TETON HIGH PEAKS/DEEP CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest and land administered by the Lewistown Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 73,000 acres, identified as “Choteau Mountain/Teton High Peaks/Deep Creek Addition” on the Map.

(B) RENSHAW ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest and land administered by the Lewistown Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 30,000 acres, identified as “Renshaw Addition” on the Map.

(C) SWAN FRONT ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest and Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 169,000 acres, identified as “Swan Front Addition” on the Map.

(D) HUNGRY HORSE RESERVOIR WEST.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 179,000 acres, identified as “Hungry Horse Reservoir West” on the Map.

(E) BOB NORTH ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 88,000 acres, identified as “Bob North Addition” on the Map.

(F) MONTURE CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 99,000 acres, identified as “Monture Creek Addition” on the Map.

(2) GREAT BEAR WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Great Bear Wilderness:

(A) HUNGRY HORSE RESERVOIR EAST ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 37,000 acres, identified as “Hungry Horse Reservoir East Addition” on the Map.

(B) MIDDLE FORK ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 53,000 acres, identified as “Middle Fork Additions” on the Map.

(3) SCAPEGOAT WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land, consisting of a total of approximately 125,000 acres, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Scapegoat Wilderness:

(A) STONEWALL MOUNTAIN ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 55,000 acres, identified as “Stonewall Mountain Addition” on the Map.

(B) SILVER KING/FALLS CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest and Helena National Forest comprising approximately 25,000 acres, identified as “Silver King/Falls Creek Addition” on the Map.

(C) BENCHMARK/ELK CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 28,000 acres, identified as “Benchmark/Elk Creek Addition” on the Map.

(4) MISSION MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land, consisting of a total of approximately 16,000 acres, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Mission Mountains Wilderness:

(A) MISSION MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Mission Mountain Wilderness Addition” on the Map.

(B) MARSHALL PEAK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Marshall Peak Addition” on the Map.

(5) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) GLACIER WILDERNESS, GLACIER NATIONAL PARK.—Certain Federal land within Glacier National Park comprising approximately 925,000 acres, identified as “Wilderness” on the map entitled “Glacier National Park Wilderness” and dated April 29, 2016, which shall be known as the “Glacier Wilderness”.

(B) SAWTOOTH RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Sawtooth Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sawtooth Ridge Wilderness”.

(C) TUCHUCK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest and the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 142,000 acres, identified as “Tuchuck Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tuchuck Wilderness”.

(D) LE BEAU WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest and the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Le Beau Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Le Beau Wilderness”.

(E) TEN LAKES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 49,000 acres, identified as “Ten Lakes Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Ten Lakes Wilderness”.

(F) COAL RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 24,000 acres, identified as “Coal Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Coal Ridge Wilderness”.

(G) STANDARD PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Standard Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Standard Peak Wilderness”.

(H) DEMERS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Flathead National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Demers Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Demers Wilderness”.

(I) LINCOLN GULCH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Lincoln Gulch Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lincoln Gulch Wilderness”.

(J) ANACONDA HILL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Anaconda Hill Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Anaconda Hill Wilderness”.

(K) SPECIMEN CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Specimen Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Specimen Creek Wilderness”.

(L) CRATER MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Crater Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Crater Mountain Wilderness”.

(M) OGDEN MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Ogden Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Ogden Mountain Wilderness”.

(N) NEVADA MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 54,000 acres, identified as “Nevada Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Nevada Mountain Wilderness”.

(O) BLACKFEET WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 129,000 acres, identified as “Blackfeet Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Blackfeet Wilderness”.

SEC. 103. Greater Yellowstone ecosystem.

(a) Definition of Map.—In this section, the term “Map” means the map entitled “Greater Yellowstone” and dated April 28, 2016.

(b) Designations.—To protect the unique ecosystem of the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, the following land is designated as wilderness:

(1) ABSAROKA-BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest and the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 265,000 acres, identified as “Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness.

(2) NORTH ABSAROKA WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest and the Custer Gallatin National Forest comprising approximately 173,000, identified as “North Absaroka Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the North Absaroka Wilderness.

(3) WASHAKIE WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest and land administered by the Lander Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 339,000 acres, identified as “Washakie Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Washakie Wilderness.

(4) FITZPATRICK WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Fitzpatrick Wilderness:

(A) FITZPATRICK WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest and land administered by the Lander Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Fitzpatrick Wilderness Addition” on the Map.

(B) BENCHMARK/WARM SPRINGS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Benchmark/Warm Springs Addition” on the Map.

(5) TETON WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 24,000 acres, identified as “Teton Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Teton Wilderness.

(6) GROS VENTRE WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Gros Ventre Wilderness:

(A) SHOAL CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 32,000 acres, identified as “Shoal Creek Addition” on the Map.

(B) GROS VENTRE ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 124,000 acres, identified as “Gros Ventre Additions” on the Map.

(7) BRIDGER WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest and land administered by the Pinedale Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 230,000 acres, identified as “Bridger Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Bridger Wilderness.

(8) POPO AGIE WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 60,000 acres, identified as “Popo Agie Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Popo Agie Wilderness.

(9) WINEGAR HOLE WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Winegar Hole Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Winegar Hole Wilderness.

(10) JEDEDIAH SMITH WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton and Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 51,000 acres, identified as “Jedediah Smith Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Jedediah Smith Wilderness.

(11) LEE METCALF WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Lee Metcalf Wilderness:

(A) COWBOYS HEAVEN ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest and the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 40,000 acres, identified as “Cowboys Heaven Addition” on the Map.

(B) LEE METCALF ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest and the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 143,000 acres, identified as “Lee Metcalf Addition” on the Map.

(12) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) YELLOWSTONE WILDERNESS, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK.—Certain Federal land within Yellowstone National Park comprising approximately 2,030,000 acres, identified as “Wilderness” on the map entitled “Yellowstone National Park Wilderness” and dated April 29, 2016, which shall be known as the “Yellowstone Wilderness”.

(B) GRAND TETON WILDERNESS, GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK.—Certain Federal land withinthe Grand Teton National Park comprising approximately 123,000 acres, identified as “Wilderness” on the map entitled “Grand Teton National Park Wilderness” and dated April 29, 2016, which shall be known as the “Grand Teton Wilderness”.

(C) SNOWCREST WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 105,000 acres, identified as “Snowcrest Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Snowcrest Wilderness”.

(D) ANTELOPE BASIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 70,000 acres, identified as “Antelope Basin Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Antelope Basin Wilderness”.

(E) LONE BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Lone Butte Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lone Butte Wilderness”.

(F) BLACK BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 39,000 acres, identified as “Black Butte Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Black Butte Wilderness”.

(G) GRAVELLY MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 53,000 acres, identified as “Gravelly Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gravelly Mountains Wilderness”.

(H) VIGILANTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Vigilante Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Vigilante Wilderness”.

(I) CHERRY LAKES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Cherry Lakes Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cherry Lakes Wilderness”.

(J) AXOLOTL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management consisting of approximately 35,000 acres, identified as “Axolotl Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Axolotl Wilderness”.

(K) CROCKETT LAKE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Crockett Lake Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Crockett Lake Wilderness”.

(L) GALLATIN RANGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest comprising approximately 221,000 acres, identified as “Gallatin Range Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gallatin Range Wilderness”.

(M) CHICO PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Chico Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Chico Peak Wilderness”.

(N) MADISON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Madison Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Madison Wilderness”.

(O) LIONHEAD WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest and the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 48,000 acres, identified as “Lionhead Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lionhead Wilderness”.

(P) DEEP LAKE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest and the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 90,000 acres, identified as “Deep Lake Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Deep Lake Wilderness”.

(Q) MONUMENT RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 18,000 acres, identified as “Monument Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Monument Ridge Wilderness”.

(R) MUNGER MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Munger Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Munger Mountain Wilderness”.

(S) LITTLE SHEEP MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Little Sheep Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Little Sheep Mountain Wilderness”.

(T) MT. LEIDY HIGHLANDS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 205,000 acres, identified as “Mt. Leidy Highlands Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Mt. Leidy Highlands Wilderness”.

(U) SALT RIVER RANGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 245,000 acres, identified as “Salt River Range Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Salt River Range Wilderness”.

(V) GRAYBACK RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 314,000 acres, identified as “Grayback Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grayback Ridge Wilderness”.

(W) COMMISSARY RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 143,000 acres, identified as “Commissary Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Commissary Ridge Wilderness”.

(X) SOUTH WYOMING RANGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 98,000 acres, identified as “South Wyoming Range Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “South Wyoming Range Wilderness”.

(Y) NORTH MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “North Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “North Mountain Wilderness”.

(Z) GRAYBACK RIDGE EAST WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest consisting of approximately 18,000 acres, identified as “Grayback Ridge East Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grayback Ridge East Wilderness”.

(AA) PALISADES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest and the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 224,000 acres, identified as “Palisades Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Palisades Wilderness”.

(BB) GANNETT HILLS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest, and the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 63,000 acres, identified as “Gannett Hills Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gannett Hills Wilderness”.

(CC) RAYMOND MOUNTAIN NORTH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest and land administered by the Kemmerer Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Raymond Mountain North Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Raymond Mountain North Wilderness”.

(DD) RAYMOND MOUNTAIN SOUTH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Kemmerer Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 24,000 acres, identified as “Raymond Mountain South Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Raymond Mountain South Wilderness”.

(EE) LAKE MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bridger-Teton National Forest and land administered by the Pinedale Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Lake Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lake Mountain Wilderness”.

(FF) GARNS MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 104,000 acres, identified as “Garns Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Garns Mountain Wilderness”.

(GG) ANTELOPE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Antelope Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Antelope Creek Wilderness”.

(HH) BEAR CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 98,000 acres, identified as “Bear Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Bear Creek Wilderness”.

(II) STUMP CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 97,000 acres, identified as “Stump Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Stump Creek Wilderness”.

(JJ) CARIBOU-TARGHEE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 94,000 acres, identified as “Caribou-Targhee Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Caribou-Targhee Wilderness”.

(KK) POKER PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Poker Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Poker Peak Wilderness”.

(LL) TINCUP WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Tincup Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tincup Wilderness”.

(MM) SCHMID PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Schmid Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Schmid Peak Wilderness”.

(NN) SAGE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Sage Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sage Creek Wilderness”.

(OO) PREUSS CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Preuss Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Preuss Creek Wilderness”.

(PP) DRY RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 23,000 acres, identified as “Dry Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Dry Ridge Wilderness”.

(QQ) MEADE PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 45,000 acres, identified as “Meade Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Meade Peak Wilderness”.

(RR) TOBACCO ROOT MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 97,000 acres, identified as “Tobacco Root Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tobacco Root Mountains Wilderness”.

(SS) POTOSI WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Potosi Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Potosi Wilderness”.

(TT) BAYER MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Bayer Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Bayer Mountain Wilderness”.

(UU) LITTLE POPO AGIE CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Little Popo Agie Canyon Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Little Popo Agie Canyon Wilderness”.

(VV) CLARK FORK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 42,000 acres, identified as “Clark Fork Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Clark Fork Wilderness”.

SEC. 104. Greater Salmon/Selway ecosystem.

(a) Definition of Map.—In this section, the term “Map” means the map entitled “Greater Salmon Selway” and dated April 28, 2016.

(b) Designations.—To protect the unique ecosystem of the greater Salmon/Selway ecosystem, the following land is designated as wilderness:

(1) FRANK CHURCH-RIVER OF NO RETURN WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness:

(A) PINNACLE PEAK (SUGAR MOUNTAIN) ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Pinnacle Peak (Sugar Mountain) Addition” on the Map.

(B) PLACER CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Placer Creek Addition” on the Map.

(C) SMITH CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 2,000 acres, identified as “Smith Creek Addition” on the Map.

(D) COTTONTAIL POINT-PILOT CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest and land administered by the Cottonwood Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 99,000 acres, identified as “Smith Creek Addition” on the Map.

(E) JERSEY-JACK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 64,000 acres, identified as “Jersey-Jack Addition” on the Map.

(F) MALLARD ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Mallard Addition” on the Map.

(G) BLUEJOINT ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and the Bitterroot National Forest comprising approximately 70,000 acres, identified as “Bluejoint Addition” on the Map.

(H) BLUE BUNCH ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Blue Bunch Addition” on the Map.

(I) LOON CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 109,000 acres, identified as “Loon Creek Addition” on the Map.

(J) SALMON-CHALLIS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 303,000 acres, identified as “Salmon-Challis Additions” on the Map.

(K) BOISE ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 59,000 acres, identified as “Boise Additions” on the Map.

(2) GOSPEL HUMP WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce National Forest comprising approximately 55,000 acres, identified as “Gospel Hump Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Gospel Hump Wilderness.

(3) SELWAY-BITTERROOT WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness:

(A) FACE ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 75,000 acres, identified as “Face Addition” on the Map.

(B) ELK SUMMIT/SNEAKFOOT/NORTH FORK SPRUCE ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 59,000 acres, identified as “Elk Summit/Sneakfoot/North Fork Spruce Addition” on the Map.

(C) RACKLIFF-GEDNEY ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 90,000 acres, identified as “Rackliff-Gedney Addition” on the Map.

(D) MEADOW CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests and on land administered by the Cottonwood Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 215,000 acres, identified as “Meadow Creek Addition” on the Map.

(E) LOLO CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests and the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 18,000 acres, identified as “Lolo Creek Addition” on the Map.

(F) BITTERROOT ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Bitterroot National Forest and the Nez-Perce National Forest comprising approximately 123,000 acres, identified as “Bitterroot Addition” on the Map.

(4) SAWTOOTH WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest, Sawtooth National Forest, and the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 540,000 acres, identified as “Sawtooth Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Sawtooth Wilderness.

(5) WHITE CLOUD WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 100,000 acres, identified as “White Cloud Wilderness Addition” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the White Cloud Wilderness.

(6) HEMINGWAY WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 97,000 acres, identified as “Hemingway Wilderness Addition” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness.

(7) JERRY PEAK WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest, the Salmon-Challis National Forest, and on land administered by the Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 30,000 acres, identified as “Jerry Peak Wilderness Addition” on the Map is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness.

(8) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS OF THE GREAT BURN WILDLANDS COMPLEX.—Each of the following areas of land within the Great Burn Wildlands Complex is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) GREAT BURN (HOODOO) WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests and the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 255,000 acres, identified as “Great Burn (Hoodoo) Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Great Burn (Hoodoo) Wilderness”.

(B) UPPER NORTH FORK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, and the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 62,000 acres, identified as “Upper North Fork Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Upper North Fork Wilderness”.

(C) SHEEP MOUNTAIN/STATE LINE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, and the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 68,000 acres, identified as “Sheep Mountain/State Line Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sheep Mountain/State Line Wilderness”.

(D) MALLARD-LARKINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests and the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 260,000 acres, identified as “Mallard-Larkins Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Mallard-Larkins Wilderness”.

(E) BIGHORN-WEITAS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 260,000 acres, identified as “Bighorn-Weitas Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Bighorn-Weitas Wilderness”.

(F) ELDORADO WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Eldorado Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Eldorado Wilderness”.

(G) MOOSE MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 22,000 acres, identified as “Moose Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Moose Mountain Wilderness”.

(H) NORTH LOCHSA SLOPE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 118,000 acres, identified as “North Lochsa Slope Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “North Lochsa Wilderness”.

(I) POT MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 51,000 acres, identified as “Pot Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Pot Mountain Wilderness”.

(J) SIWASH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Siwash Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Siwash Wilderness”.

(K) WEIR-POST OFFICE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 22,000 acres, identified as “Weir-Post Office Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Weir-Post Office Wilderness”.

(L) MOSQUITO FLY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Mosquito Fly Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Mosquito Fly Wilderness”.

(M) MIDGET PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Midget Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Midget Peak Wilderness”.

(N) STARK MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Stark Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Stark Mountain Wilderness”.

(9) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS OF THE LITTLE SLATE CREEK WILDLANDS COMPLEX.—Each of the following areas of land within the Little Slate Creek Wildlands Complex is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) LITTLE SLATE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Little Slate Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Little Slate Creek Wilderness”.

(B) LITTLE SLATE CREEK NORTH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Little Slate Creek North Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Little Slate Creek North Wilderness”.

(10) OTHER NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) FRENCH CREEK/PATRICK BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 170,000 acres, identified as “French Creek/Patrick Butte Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “French Creek/Patrick Butte Wilderness”.

(B) CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Crystal Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Crystal Mountain Wilderness”.

(C) SECESH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 248,000 acres, identified as “Secesh Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Secesh Wilderness”.

(D) NEEDLES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest and the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 161,000 acres, identified as “Needles Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Needles Wilderness”.

(E) CATON LAKE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest and the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 85,000 acres, identified as “Caton Lake Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Caton Lake Wilderness”.

(F) POISON CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest and the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Poison Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Poison Creek Wilderness”.

(G) MEADOW CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest and the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 29,000 acres, identified as “Meadow Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Meadow Creek Wilderness”.

(H) MOUNT HEINEN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Mount Heinen Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Mount Heinen Wilderness”.

(I) REEVES CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Reeves Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Reeves Creek Wilderness”.

(J) PEACE ROCK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 192,000 acres, identified as “Peace Rock Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Peace Rock Wilderness”.

(K) DEADWOOD WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 52,000 acres, identified as “Deadwood Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Deadwood Wilderness”.

(L) WHITEHAWK MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Whitehawk Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Whitehawk Mountain Wilderness”.

(M) STONY MEADOWS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Stony Meadows Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Stony Meadows Wilderness”.

(N) SCRIVER CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Scriver Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Scriver Creek Wilderness”.

(O) GRIMES PASS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Grimes Pass Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grimes Pass Wilderness”.

(P) GALLAGHER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Gallagher Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gallagher Wilderness”.

(Q) CORSKI CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Corski Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Corski Creek Wilderness”.

(R) BULL TROUT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest and the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 115,000 acres, identified as “Bull Trout Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Bull Trout Wilderness”.

(S) BREADWINNER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Breadwinner Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Breadwinner Wilderness”.

(T) ELK CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Elk Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Elk Creek Wilderness”.

(U) STEEL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 23,000 acres, identified as “Steel Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Steel Mountain Wilderness”.

(V) RAINBOW WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 31,000 acres, identified as “Rainbow Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Rainbow Wilderness”.

(W) GRAND MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Grand Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grand Mountain Wilderness”.

(X) SHEEP CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 70,000 acres, identified as “Sheep Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sheep Creek Wilderness”.

(Y) SNOWBANK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 34,000 acres, identified as “Snowbank Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Snowbank Wilderness”.

(Z) HOUSE MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 26,000 acres, identified as “House Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “House Mountain Wilderness”.

(AA) DANSKIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 30,000 acres, identified as “Danskin Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Danskin Wilderness”.

(BB) COW CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Cow Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cow Creek Wilderness”.

(CC) WILSON PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Wilson Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Wilson Peak Wilderness”.

(DD) LOST MAN CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Lost Man Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lost Man Creek Wilderness”.

(EE) WHISKEY JACK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Whiskey Jack Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Whiskey Jack Wilderness”.

(FF) CATHEDRAL ROCKS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Cathedral Rocks Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cathedral Rocks Wilderness”.

(GG) LIME CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest and the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 97,000 acres, identified as “Lime Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lime Creek Wilderness”.

(HH) O’HARA FALLS CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 33,000 acres, identified as “O’Hara Falls Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “O’Hara Falls Creek Wilderness”.

(II) LICK POINT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Lick Point Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lick Point Wilderness”.

(JJ) CLEAR CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Clear Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Clear Creek Wilderness”.

(KK) SILVER CREEK-PILOT KNOB WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 21,000 acres, identified as “Silver Creek-Pilot Knob Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Silver Creek-Pilot Knob Wilderness”.

(LL) DIXIE SUMMIT-NUT HILL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Dixie Summit-Nut Hill Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Dixie Summit-Nut Hill Wilderness”.

(MM) NORTH FORK SLATE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “North Fork Slate Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “North Fork Slate Creek Wilderness”.

(NN) JOHN DAY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “John Day Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “John Day Wilderness”.

(OO) PERREAU CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Perreau Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Perreau Creek Wilderness”.

(PP) NAPIAS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Napias Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Napias Wilderness”.

(QQ) NAPOLEAN RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 51,000 acres, identified as “Napolean Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Napolean Ridge Wilderness”.

(RR) JESSE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Jesse Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Jesse Creek Wilderness”.

(SS) HAYSTACK MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Haystack Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Haystack Mountain Wilderness”.

(TT) PHELAN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Phelan Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Phelan Wilderness”.

(UU) SHEEPEATER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 35,000 acres, identified as “Sheepeater Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sheepeater Wilderness”.

(VV) SOUTH FORK DEEP CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “South Fork Deep Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “South Fork Deep Creek Wilderness”.

(WW) COBALT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Cobalt Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cobalt Wilderness”.

(XX) JUREANO WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 25,000 acres, identified as “Jureano Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Jureano Wilderness”.

(YY) SOUTH PANTHER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “South Panther Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “South Panther Wilderness”.

(ZZ) MUSGROVE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Musgrove Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Musgrove Wilderness”.

(AAA) TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 63,000 acres, identified as “Taylor Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Taylor Mountain Wilderness”.

(BBB) MARTIN CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 99,000 acres, identified as “Martin Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Martin Creek Wilderness”.

(CCC) WHITE KNOB WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 65,000 acres, identified as “White Knob Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “White Knob Wilderness”.

(DDD) PORPHYRY PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 47,000 acres, identified as “Porphyry Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Porphyry Peak Wilderness”.

(EEE) GREYLOCK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Greylock Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Greylock Wilderness”.

(FFF) COPPER BASIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Copper Basin Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Copper Basin Wilderness”.

(GGG) COLD SPRINGS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Cold Springs Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cold Springs Wilderness”.

(HHH) PIONEER MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest and the Salmon-Challis National Forest and on land administered by the Shoshone Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management, identified as “Pioneer Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Pioneer Mountains Wilderness”.

(III) RAILROAD RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest and the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 51,000 acres, identified as “Railroad Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Railroad Ridge Wilderness”.

(JJJ) BUTTERCUP MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 57,000 acres, identified as “Buttercup Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Buttercup Mountain Wilderness”.

(KKK) ELK RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Elk Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Elk Ridge Wilderness”.

(LLL) GRANDMOTHER MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and on land administered by the Coeur d’Alene Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 35,000 acres, identified as “Grandmother Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grandmother Mountain Wilderness”.

(MMM) PINCHOT BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and on land administered by the Coeur d’Alene Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Pinchot Butte Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Pinchot Butte Wilderness”.

(NNN) LIBERAL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Liberal Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Liberal Mountain Wilderness”.

(OOO) HORSE HEAVEN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest and the Boise National Forest comprising approximately 18,000 acres, identified as “Horse Heaven Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Horse Heaven Wilderness”.

(PPP) CHIMNEY ROCK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Chimney Rock Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Chimney Rock Wilderness”.

SEC. 105. Greater Cabinet/Yaak/Selkirk ecosystem.

(a) Definition of Map.—In this section, the term “Map” means the map entitled “Cabinet Yaak Selkirk” and dated April 28, 2016.

(b) Designations.—To protect the unique, heavily fragmented, and endangered greater Cabinet/Yaak/Selkirk ecosystem, the following land is designated as wilderness:

(1) CABINET MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 100,000 acres, identified as “Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness.

(2) SALMO-PRIEST WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 47,000 acres, identified as “Salmo-Priest Wilderness Additions” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Salmo-Priest Wilderness.

(3) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) SKYLINE MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Skyline Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Skyline Mountain Wilderness”.

(B) GALENA CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Galena Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Galena Creek Wilderness”.

(C) BERRAY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Berray Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Berray Mountain Wilderness”.

(D) LONE CLIFF-SMEADS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Lone Cliff-Smeads Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Lone Cliff-Smeads Wilderness”.

(E) MCNEELEY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “McNeeley Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “McNeeley Wilderness”.

(F) NORTHWEST PEAKS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Northwest Peaks Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Northwest Peaks Wilderness”.

(G) RODERICK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 30,000 acres, identified as “Roderick Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Roderick Wilderness”.

(H) GRIZZLY PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Grizzly Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Grizzly Peak Wilderness”.

(I) WEST FORK YAAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “West Fork Yaak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “West Fork Yaak Wilderness”.

(J) MT. HENRY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Mt. Henry Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Mt. Henry Wilderness”.

(K) ALEXANDER CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Alexander Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Alexander Creek Wilderness”.

(L) ROBINSON MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Robinson Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Robinson Mountain Wilderness”.

(M) DEVIL’S GAP WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Devil’s Gap Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Devil’s Gap Wilderness”.

(N) LONE CLIFF WEST WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Lone Cliff West Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Lone Cliff West Wilderness”.

(O) ALLEN PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 30,000 acres, identified as “Allen Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Allen Peak Wilderness”.

(P) HUCKLEBERRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Huckleberry Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Huckleberry Mountain Wilderness”.

(Q) CATARACT PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest and the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 39,000 acres, identified as “Cataract Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cataract Peak Wilderness”.

(R) CUBE IRON-SILCOX WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest and the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 39,000 acres, identified as “Cube Iron-Silcox Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cube Iron-Silcox Wilderness”.

(S) SUNDANCE RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Sundance Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Sundance Ridge Wilderness”.

(T) TEEPEE-SPRING CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Teepee-Spring Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Teepee-Spring Creek Wilderness”.

(U) BALDY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Baldy Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Baldy Mountain Wilderness”.

(V) SCOTCHMAN’S PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest and the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 88,000 acres, identified as “Scotchman’s Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Scotchman’s Peak Wilderness”.

(W) BUCKHORN RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest and the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 36,000 acres, identified as “Buckhorn Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Buckhorn Ridge Wilderness”.

(X) GRASSY TOP/HALL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 24,000 acres, identified as “Grassy Top/Hall Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grassy Top/Hall Mountain Wilderness”.

(Y) ABERCROMBIE-HOOKNOSE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 38,000 acres, identified as “Abercrombie-Hooknose Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Abercrombie-Hooknose Wilderness”.

(Z) HARVEY CREEK/BUNCHGRASS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Harvey Creek/Bunchgrass Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Harvey Creek/Bunchgrass Wilderness”.

(AA) SOUTH FORK MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “South Fork Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “South Fork Mountain Wilderness”.

(BB) QUARTZITE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Quartzite Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Quartzite Wilderness”.

(CC) SOUTH FORK HUNGRY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “South Fork Hungry Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “South Fork Hungry Mountain Wilderness”.

(DD) CONTINENTAL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Continental Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Continental Mountain Wilderness”.

(EE) DEEP WHITE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Deep White Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Deep White Wilderness”.

(FF) SCHAFER PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Schafer Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Schafer Peak Wilderness”.

(GG) UPPER PRIEST LAKE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Upper Priest Lake Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Upper Priest Lake Wilderness”.

(HH) LONG CANYON/SELKIRK CREST WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, and on land administered by the Coeur d’Alene Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 99,000 acres, identified as “Long Canyon/Selkirk Crest Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Long Canyon/Selkirk Crest Wilderness”.

(II) LAKE ESTELLE ROBERTS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 79,000 acres, identified as “Lake Estelle Roberts Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lake Estelle Roberts Wilderness”.

(JJ) TRESTLE PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Trestle Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Trestle Peak Wilderness”.

(KK) BEETOP WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Beetop Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Beetop Wilderness”.

(LL) PACKSADDLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Packsaddle Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Packsaddle Wilderness”.

(MM) BLACKTAIL PEND OREILLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Blacktail Pend Oreille Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Blacktail Pend Oreille Wilderness”.

(NN) MAGEE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 35,000 acres, identified as “Magee Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Magee Wilderness”.

(OO) TEPEE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Tepee Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tepee Creek Wilderness”.

(PP) TROUBLE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Trouble Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Trouble Creek Wilderness”.

(QQ) GRAHAM COAL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Graham Coal Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Graham Coal Wilderness”.

(RR) KOOTENAI PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Kootenai Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Kootenai Peak Wilderness”.

(SS) KATKA WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Katka Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Katka Wilderness”.

SEC. 106. Greater Hells Canyon ecosystem.

(a) Definition of Map.—In this section, the term “Map” means the map entitled “Hells Canyon ” and dated April 28, 2016.

(b) Designations.—To protect the unique and endangered greater Hells Canyon ecosystem, the following land is designated as wilderness:

(1) HELLS CANYON WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land, consisting of a total of approximately 394,000 acres, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Hells Canyon Wilderness:

(A) RAPID RIVER ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest and the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 76,000 acres, identified as “Rapid River Addition” on the Map.

(B) SALMON FACE ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Salmon Face Addition” on the Map.

(C) KLOPTON CREEK/CORRAL CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 21,000 acres, identified as “Klopton Creek/Corral Creek Addition” on the Map.

(D) BIG CANYON ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Big Canyon Addition” on the Map.

(E) OTHER HELLS CANYON WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 264,000 acres, identified as “Other Hells Canyon Wilderness Addition” on the Map.

(2) EAGLE CAP WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 100,000 acres, identified as “Eagle Cap Wilderness Additions” on the Map.

(3) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) LAKE FORK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Lake Fork Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lake Fork Wilderness”.

(B) CASTLE RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Castle Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Castle Ridge Wilderness”.

(C) HOMESTEAD WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Homestead Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Homestead Wilderness”.

SEC. 107. Islands in the Sky wilderness.

(a) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) BIOLOGICAL CORRIDORS MAP.—The term “Biological Corridors Map” means the map entitled “Biological Corridors” and dated April 28, 2016.

(2) MAP 1.—The term “Map 1” means the map entitled “Islands in the Sky Map 1” and dated April 28, 2016.

(3) MAP 2.—The term “Map 2” means the map entitled “Islands in the Sky Map 2” and dated April 28, 2016.

(4) MAP 3.—The term “Map 3” means the map entitled “Islands in the Sky Map 3” and dated April 28, 2016.

(5) MAP 4.—The term “Map 4” means the map entitled “Islands in the Sky Map 4” and dated April 28, 2016.

(b) Designations.—To protect the unique and increasingly isolated island mountain ranges in the Northern Rockies Bioregion, the following land is designated as wilderness:

(1) WENAHA-TUCANNON WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness:

(A) UPPER TUCANNON ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Upper Tucannon Addition” on Map 1.

(B) W-T ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 2,000 acres, identified as “W-T Addition” on Map 1.

(C) MEADOW CREEK ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 2,000 acres, identified as “Meadow Creek Addition” on Map 1.

(2) NORTH FORK JOHN DAY WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—The following land is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the North Fork John Day Wilderness:

(A) GREENHORN MOUNTAIN ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest and the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 24,000 acres, identified as “Greenhorn Mountain Addition” on Map 1.

(B) JUMPOFF JOE ADDITION TO NORTH FORK JOHN DAY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest and the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Jumpoff Joe Addition to North Fork John Day Wilderness” on Map 1.

(C) TWIN MOUNTAIN ADDITION TO NORTH FORK JOHN DAY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Twin Mountain Addition to North Fork John Day Wilderness” on Map 1.

(3) CLOUD PEAK WILDERNESS ADDITIONS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest, and land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 203,000, identified as “Cloud Peak Wilderness Additions” on Map 3, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Cloud Peak Wilderness.

(4) MONUMENT ROCK WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Monument Rock Wilderness Addition” on Map 1, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Monument Rock Wilderness.

(5) MOUNT NAOMI WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 28,000 acres, identified as “Mount Naomi Wilderness Addition” on Map 4, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Mount Naomi Wilderness.

(6) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS IN THE KETTLE MOUNTAINS.—Each of the following areas of land within the Kettle Mountains is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) THIRTEEN MILE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Thirteen Mile Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Thirteen Mile Wilderness”.

(B) BALD SNOW WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Bald Snow Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Bald Snow Wilderness”.

(C) COPPER/KETTLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 81,000 acres, identified as “Copper/Kettle Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Copper/Kettle Wilderness”.

(D) HUCKLEBERRY SOUTH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Huckleberry South Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Huckleberry South Wilderness”.

(E) COUGAR MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Cougar Mountain Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Cougar Mountain Wilderness”.

(F) OWL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Owl Mountain Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Owl Mountain Wilderness”.

(G) DEER KETTLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Deer Kettle Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Deer Kettle Wilderness”.

(H) JACKKNIFE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Jackknife Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Jackknife Wilderness”.

(I) PARADISE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Paradise Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Paradise Wilderness”.

(J) BULLDOG MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Colville National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Bulldog Mountain Wilderness” on Map 2, which shall be known as the “Bulldog Mountain Wilderness”.

(7) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS IN THE BIGHORN MOUNTAINS.—Each of the following areas of land in the Bighorn Mountains is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) LITTLE BIGHORN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 120,000 acres, identified as “Little Bighorn Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Little Bighorn Wilderness”.

(B) WALKER PRAIRIE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 51,000 acres, identified as “Walker Prairie Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Walker Prairie Wilderness”.

(C) DEVIL’S CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 32,000 acres, identified as “Devil’s Canyon Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Devil’s Canyon Wilderness”.

(D) HIDEOUT CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Hideout Creek Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Hideout Creek Wilderness”.

(E) BEAR ROCKS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 25,000 acres, identified as “Bear Rocks Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Bear Rocks Wilderness”.

(F) HORSE CREEK MESA WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 42,000 acres, identified as “Horse Creek Mesa Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Horse Creek Mesa Wilderness”.

(G) PETES HOLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Petes Hole Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Petes Hole Wilderness”.

(H) GROMMUND CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Grommund Creek Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Grommund Creek Wilderness”.

(I) HAZELTON PEAKS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Hazelton Peaks Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Hazelton Peaks Wilderness”.

(J) LEIGH CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Leigh Creek Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Leigh Creek Wilderness”.

(K) MEDICINE LODGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bighorn National Forest, and land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 23,000 acres, identified as “Medicine Lodge Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Medicine Lodge Wilderness”.

(L) ALKALI CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Alkali Creek Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Alkali Creek Wilderness”.

(M) TRAPPER CREEK CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Trapper Creek Canyon Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Trapper Creek Canyon Wilderness”.

(N) NORTH FORK POWDER RIVER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Buffalo Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “North Fork Powder River Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “North Fork Powder River Wilderness”.

(O) GARDNER MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Buffalo Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 18,000 acres, identified as “Gardner Mountain Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Gardner Mountain Wilderness”.

(P) HONEYCOMBS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 53,000 acres, identified as “Honeycombs Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Honeycombs Wilderness”.

(Q) BUFFALO CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 27,000 acres, identified as “Buffalo Creek Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Buffalo Creek Wilderness”.

(R) LYSITE MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland and Lander Field Offices of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Lysite Mountain Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Lysite Mountain Wilderness”.

(8) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS IN THE PRYOR MOUNTAINS.—Each of the following areas of land in the Pryor Mountains is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) LOST WATER CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest, the Bighorn National Recreation Area, and land administered by the Billings Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 63,000 acres, identified as “Lost Water Canyon Wilderness” on Map 3 and the map entitled “Wilderness Recommendation Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area” and dated March 1981, which shall be known as the “Lost Water Canyon Wilderness”.

(B) BIG PRYOR MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest comprising approximately 39,000 acres, identified as “Big Pryor Mountain Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Big Pryor Mountain Wilderness”.

(9) OTHER NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) WILLOW SPRINGS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Willow Springs Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Willow Springs Wilderness”.

(B) ASOTIN CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Asotin Creek Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Asotin Creek Wilderness”.

(C) SPANGLER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Spangler Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Spangler Wilderness”.

(D) WENATCHEE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Wenatchee Creek Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Wenatchee Creek Wilderness”.

(E) WALLA WALLA WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 35,000 acres, identified as “Walla Walla Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Walla Walla Wilderness”.

(F) GRAND RONDE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest and the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Grande Ronde Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Grande Ronde Wilderness”.

(G) TEXAS BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Texas Butte Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Texas Butte Wilderness”.

(H) SKOOKUM WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Skookum Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Skookum Wilderness”.

(I) POTAMUS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Potamus Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Potamus Wilderness”.

(J) SOUTH FORK-TOWER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “South Fork-Tower Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “South Fork-Tower Wilderness”.

(K) EAST JOHN DAY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest and the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “East John Day Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “East John Day Wilderness”.

(L) HORSESHOE RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Horseshoe Ridge Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Horseshoe Ridge Wilderness”.

(M) HELLHOLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Umatilla National Forest comprising approximately 67,000 acres, identified as “Hellhole Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Hellhole Wilderness”.

(N) MOUNT EMILY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Mount Emily Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Mount Emily Wilderness”.

(O) UPPER GRANDE RONDE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Upper Grande Ronde Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Upper Grande Ronde Wilderness”.

(P) JOSEPH CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 24,000 acres, identified as “Joseph Canyon Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Joseph Canyon Wilderness”.

(Q) TOPE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Tope Creek Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Tope Creek Wilderness”.

(R) BALDY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Baldy Mountain Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Baldy Mountain Wilderness”.

(S) DIXIE BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Dixie Butte Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Dixie Butte Wilderness”.

(T) MURDERERS CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 21,000 acres, identified as “Murderers Creek Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Murderers Creek Wilderness”.

(U) GLACIER MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Glacier Mountain Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Glacier Mountain Wilderness”.

(V) MALHEUR RIVER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Malheur River Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Malheur River Wilderness”.

(W) MCCLELLAN MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 23,000 acres, identified as “McClellan Mountain Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “McClellan Mountain Wilderness”.

(X) MYRTLE-SILVIES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Myrtle-Silvies Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Myrtle-Silvies Wilderness”.

(Y) NIPPLE BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Nipple Butte Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Nipple Butte Wilderness”.

(Z) WEST MALHEUR WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “West Malheur Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “West Malheur Wilderness”.

(AA) SHAKETABLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Shaketable Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Shaketable Wilderness”.

(BB) UTLEY BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Malheur National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Utley Butte Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Utley Butte Wilderness”.

(CC) FLINT RANGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 73,000 acres, identified as “Flint Range Wilderness” on the Biological Corridors Map, which shall be known as the “Flint Range Wilderness”.

(DD) FRED BURR WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximate 6,000 acres, identified as “Fred Burr Wilderness” on the Biological Corridors Map, which shall be known as “Fred Burr Wilderness”.

(EE) ELKHORN MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest, and land administered by the Butte Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 88,000 acres, identified as “Elkhorn Mountains Wilderness” on the Biological Corridors Map, which shall be known as “Elkhorn Mountains Wilderness”.

(FF) CACHE PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 27,000 acres, identified as “Cache Peak Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Cache Peak Wilderness”.

(GG) SUBLETT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Sublett Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Sublett Wilderness”.

(HH) BURNT BASIN/BLACK PINE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 44,000 acres, identified as “Burnt Basin/Black Pine Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Burnt Basin/Black Pine Wilderness”.

(II) MOUNT HARRISON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 30,000 acres, identified as “Mount Harrison Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Mount Harrison Wilderness”.

(JJ) FIFTH FORK ROCK CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Fifth Fork Rock Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Fifth Fork Rock Creek Wilderness”.

(KK) THIRD FORK ROCK CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Third Fork Rock Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Third Fork Rock Creek Wilderness”.

(LL) COTTONWOOD WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Cottonwood Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Cottonwood Wilderness”.

(MM) MAHOGANY BUTTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 21,000 acres, identified as “Mahogany Butte Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Mahogany Butte Wilderness”.

(NN) THOROBRED WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Sawtooth National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Thorobred Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Thorobred Wilderness”.

(OO) WORM CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 42,000 acres, identified as “Worm Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Worm Creek Wilderness”.

(PP) SWAN CREEK MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Swan Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Swan Creek Wilderness”.

(QQ) GIBSON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Gibson Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Gibson Wilderness”.

(RR) PARIS PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Paris Peak Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Paris Peak Wilderness”.

(SS) STATION CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Station Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Station Creek Wilderness”.

(TT) MINK CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Mink Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Mink Creek Wilderness”.

(UU) LIBERTY CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Liberty Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Liberty Creek Wilderness”.

(VV) WILLIAMS CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Williams Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Williams Creek Wilderness”.

(WW) STAUFFER CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Stauffer Creek Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Stauffer Creek Wilderness”.

(XX) SHERMAN PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Sherman Peak Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Sherman Peak Wilderness”.

(YY) SODA POINT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 23,000 acres, identified as “Soda Point Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Soda Point Wilderness”.

(ZZ) CLARKSTON MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Clarkston Mountain Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Clarkston Mountain Wilderness”.

(AAA) MALAD WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Malad Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Malad Wilderness”.

(BBB) OXFORD MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 41,000 acres, identified as “Oxford Mountain Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Oxford Mountain Wilderness”.

(CCC) ELKHORN MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 42,000 acres, identified as “Elkhorn Mountain Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Elkhorn Mountain Wilderness”.

(DDD) BONNEVILLE PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 32,000 acres, identified as “Bonneville Peak Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Bonneville Peak Wilderness”.

(EEE) NORTH PEBBLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “North Pebble Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “North Pebble Wilderness”.

(FFF) TOPONCE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 18,000 acres, identified as “Toponce Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Toponce Wilderness”.

(GGG) SCOUT MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 25,000 acres, identified as “Scout Mountain Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “Scout Mountain Wilderness”.

(HHH) WEST MINK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “West Mink Wilderness” on Map 4, which shall be known as the “West Mink Wilderness”.

(III) CUDDY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 41,000 acres, identified as “Cuddy Mountain Wilderness” on Map 1, which shall be known as the “Cuddy Mountain Wilderness”.

(JJJ) COUNCIL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Payette National Forest comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “McCullough Peaks Wilderness” on the map entitled “Greater Salmon Selway” and dated April 28, 2016, which shall be known as the “Council Mountain Wilderness”.

(KKK) MCCULLOUGH PEAKS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Cody Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 38,000 acres, identified as “Council Mountain Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “McCullough Peaks Wilderness”.

(LLL) TATMAN MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 25,000 acres, identified as “Tatman Mountain Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Tatman Mountain Wilderness”.

(MMM) FIVEMILE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 24,000 acres, identified as “Fivemile Creek Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Fivemile Creek Wilderness”.

(NNN) BOBCAT DRAW BADLANDS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 30,000 acres, identified as “Bobcat Draw Badlands Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Bobcat Draw Badlands Wilderness”.

(OOO) CEDAR BIGHORN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Worland Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 39,000 acres, identified as “Cedar Bighorn Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Cedar Bighorn Wilderness”.

(PPP) COPPER MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Lander Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Copper Mountain Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Copper Mountain Wilderness”.

(QQQ) FULLER PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Lander Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Fuller Peak Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Fuller Peak Wilderness”.

(RRR) LYSITE BADLANDS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Lander Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Lysite Badlands Wilderness” on Map 3, which shall be known as the “Lysite Badlands Wilderness”.

(SSS) HOODOO MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the public land administered by the Missoula Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Hoodoo Mountain Wilderness” on the Biological Corridors Map, which shall be known as the “Hoodoo Mountain Wilderness”.

(TTT) WALES CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the public land administered by the Missoula Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Wales Creek Wilderness” on the Biological Corridors Map, which shall be known as the “Wales Creek Wilderness”.

SEC. 108. Wilderness in biological connecting corridors.

(a) Definition of Map.—In this section, the term “Map” means the map entitled “Biological Corridors” and dated April 28, 2016.

(b) Designations.—To protect the unique and increasingly isolated island mountain ranges in the biological connecting corridors designated by section 202, the following land is designated as wilderness:

(1) SAPPHIRE MOUNTAINS/CONTINENTAL DIVIDE CORRIDOR.—The following land in Sapphire Mountains/Continental Divide Corridor is designated as wilderness:

(A) WELCOME CREEK WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 1,000 acres, identified as “Welcome Creek Wilderness Addition” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Welcome Creek Wilderness.

(B) ANACONDA-PINTLER WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Bitterroot and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 194,000 acres, identified as “Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness Addition” on the Map, is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness.

(C) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(i) STONY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bitterroot, Lolo, and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 120,000 acres, identified as “Stony Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Stony Mountain Wilderness”.

(ii) QUIGG PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forests and land administered by the Missoula Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 77,000 acres, identified as “Quigg Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Quigg Peak Wilderness”.

(iii) SILVER KING WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 50,000 acres, identified as “Silver King Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Silver King Wilderness”.

(iv) EMERINE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Emerine Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Emerine Wilderness”.

(v) SLEEPING CHILD WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bitterroot National Forest comprising approximately 21,000 acres, identified as “Sleeping Child Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sleeping Child Wilderness”.

(2) JOCKO MOUNTAINS/CABINET MOUNTAINS CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Jocko Mountains/Cabinet Mountains Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) MOUNT BUSHNELL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 42,000 acres, identified as “Mount Bushnell Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Mount Bushnell Wilderness”.

(B) CHERRY PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 38,000 acres, identified as “Cherry Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cherry Peak Wilderness”.

(C) PATRICK’S KNOB/NORTH CUTOFF.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Patrick’s Knob/North Cutoff Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Patrick’s Knob/North Cutoff Wilderness”.

(D) SOUTH SIEGEL/SOUTH CUTOFF WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “South Siegel/South Cutoff Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “South Siegel/South Cutoff Wilderness”.

(E) NORTH SIEGEL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “North Siegel Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “North Siegel Wilderness”.

(F) RESERVATION DIVIDE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Reservation Divide Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Reservation Divide Wilderness”.

(3) NINE MILE/GREAT BURN CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Nine Mile/Great Burn Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) BURDETTE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Burdette Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Burdette Wilderness”.

(B) PETTY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Petty Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Petty Mountain Wilderness”.

(C) GILLMAN CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Gillman Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gillman Creek Wilderness”.

(4) ANACONDA-PINTLER DIVIDE CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Anaconda-Pintler Divide Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) FLEECER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 36,000 acres, identified as “Fleecer Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Fleecer Wilderness”.

(B) HIGHLANDS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 21,000 acres, identified as “Highlands Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Highlands Wilderness”.

(C) BASIN CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Basin Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Basin Creek Wilderness”.

(D) GRANULATED MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Granulated Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Granulated Mountains Wilderness”.

(E) LOWER BOULDER WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Butte Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Lower Boulder Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lower Boulder Wilderness”.

(F) RUBY RANGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 27,000 acres, identified as “Ruby Range Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Ruby Range Wilderness”.

(G) HUMBUG SPIRES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Butte Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Humbug Spires Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Humbug Spires Wilderness”.

(5) TEN LAKES/CABINET/YAAK CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Ten Lakes/Cabinet/Yaak Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) GOLD CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Gold Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gold Creek Wilderness”.

(B) GOLD CREEK WEST WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Gold Creek West Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gold Creek West Wilderness”.

(C) ZULU CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Zulu Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Zulu Creek Wilderness”.

(D) GOOD CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Good Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Good Creek Wilderness”.

(6) CABINET/YAAK/GREAT BURN COMPLEX CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Ten Lakes/Cabinet/Yaak Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) MAPLE PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo, Idaho Panhandle, and Kootenai National Forests comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Maple Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Maple Peak Wilderness”.

(B) STORM CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle and Kootenai National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Storm Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Storm Creek Wilderness”.

(C) HAMMOND CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Hammond Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Hammond Creek Wilderness”.

(D) NORTH FORK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 31,000 acres, identified as “North Fork Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “North Fork Wilderness”.

(E) BIG CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 76,000 acres, identified as “Big Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Big Creek Wilderness”.

(F) BOBTAIL PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Bobtail Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Bobtail Peak Wilderness”.

(G) EAST CATHEDRAL PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 34,000 acres, identified as “East Cathedral Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “East Cathedral Peak Wilderness”.

(H) SPION KOP WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 22,000 acres, identified as “Spion Kop Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Spion Kop Wilderness”.

(I) ROLAND POINT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Roland Point Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Roland Point Wilderness”.

(J) TROUT CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle and Kootenai National Forests comprising approximately 39,000 acres, identified as “Trout Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Trout Creek Wilderness”.

(K) WONDERFUL PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle and Lolo National Forests comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Wonderful Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Wonderful Peak Wilderness”.

(L) STEVENS PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Idaho Panhandle and Lolo National Forests comprising approximately 5,000 acres, identified as “Stevens Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Stevens Peak Wilderness”.

(M) EVANS GULCH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Evans Gulch Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Evans Gulch Wilderness”.

(N) GILT EDGE-SILVER CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Gilt Edge-Silver Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Gilt Edge-Silver Creek Wilderness”.

(O) WARD EAGLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Ward Eagle Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Ward Eagle Wilderness”.

(P) MARBLE POINT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lolo National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Marble Point Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Marble Point Wilderness”.

(7) ANACONDA-PINTLER/BITTERROOT MOUNTAINS CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Anaconda-Pintler/Bitterroot Mountains Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) WEST PIONEERS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 230,000 acres, identified as “West Pioneers Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “West Pioneers Wilderness”.

(B) CATTLE GULCH RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Cattle Gulch Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cattle Gulch Ridge Wilderness”.

(C) EAST PIONEERS/CALL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forests and land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 160,000 acres, identified as “East Pioneers/Call Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “East Pioneers/Call Mountain Wilderness”.

(8) FRANK CHURCH/GREATER YELLOWSTONE CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Frank Church/Greater Yellowstone Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) TOLAN CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bitterroot National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Tolan Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tolan Creek Wilderness”.

(B) ALLAN MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Bitterroot and Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 151,000 acres, identified as “Allan Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Allan Mountain Wilderness”.

(C) ANDERSON MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge and Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 49,000 acres, identified as “Anderson Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Anderson Mountain Wilderness”.

(D) WEST BIG HOLE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge and Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 210,000 acres, identified as “West Big Hole Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “West Big Hole Wilderness”.

(E) GOAT MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge and Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 45,000 acres, identified as “Goat Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Goat Mountain Wilderness”.

(F) ITALIAN PEAKS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge, Salmon-Challis, and Caribou-Targhee National Forests and land administered by the Salmon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 305,000 acres, identified as “Italian Peaks Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Italian Peaks Wilderness”.

(G) GARFIELD MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge and Caribou-Targhee National Forests comprising approximately 92,000 acres, identified as “Garfield Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Garfield Mountain Wilderness”.

(H) FOUR EYES CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Four Eyes Canyon Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Four Eyes Canyon Wilderness”.

(I) TENDOY MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 83,000 acres, identified as “Tendoy Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tendoy Mountains Wilderness”.

(J) HENNEBERRY RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Henneberry Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Henneberry Ridge Wilderness”.

(K) BLACK TAIL MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Black Tail Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Black Tail Mountains Wilderness”.

(L) SAGINAW CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Saginaw Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Saginaw Creek Wilderness”.

(M) TASH PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 53,000 acres, identified as “Tash Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tash Peak Wilderness”.

(N) BEAVER LAKES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Beaver Lakes Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Beaver Lakes Wilderness”.

(O) AGENCY CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Agency Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Agency Creek Wilderness”.

(P) FREEZEOUT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forests comprising approximately 37,000 acres, identified as “Freezeout Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Freezeout Wilderness”.

(Q) TWO TOP WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Two Top Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Two Top Wilderness”.

(R) CENTENNIALS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Caribou-Targhee and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forests and land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 88,000 acres, identified as “Centennials Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Centennials Wilderness”.

(S) LITTLE BEAR CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Little Bear Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Little Bear Creek Wilderness”.

(9) LEMHI MOUNTAINS CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Lemhi Mountains Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) NORTH LEMHI MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 309,000 acres, identified as “North Lemhi Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “North Lemhi Mountains Wilderness”.

(B) SOUTH LEMHI WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis and Caribou-Targhee National Forests and land administered by the Upper Snake Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 173,000 acres, identified as “South Lemhi Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “South Lemhi Wilderness”.

(C) WARM CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Warm Canyon Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Warm Canyon Wilderness”.

(D) GOLDBUG RIDGE WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 13,000 acres, identified as “Goldbug Ridge Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Goldbug Ridge Wilderness”.

(E) SAL MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Sal Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sal Mountain Wilderness”.

(10) LOST RIVER RANGE CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Lost River Range Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) BORAH PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 155,000 acres, identified as “Borah Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Borah Peak Wilderness”.

(B) KING MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 87,000 acres, identified as “King Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “King Mountain Wilderness”.

(C) GROUSE PEAK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “Grouse Peak Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grouse Peak Wilderness”.

(D) RED HILL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Red Hill Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Red Hill Wilderness”.

(E) JUMPOFF MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 14,000 acres, identified as “Jumpoff Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Jumpoff Mountain Wilderness”.

(F) WOOD CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Wood Canyon Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Wood Canyon Wilderness”.

(G) PAHSIMEROI WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Salmon-Challis National Forest comprising approximately 73,000 acres, identified as “Pahsimeroi Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Pahsimeroi Wilderness”.

(H) BURNT CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Upper Snake and Challis Field Offices of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 22,000 acres, identified as “Burnt Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Burnt Creek Wilderness”.

(I) HAWLEY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Upper Snake Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Hawley Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Hawley Mountain Wilderness”.

(11) BOULDER/WHITE CLOUDS/LOST RIVER RANGE CORRIDOR.—Each of the following areas of land in Boulder/White Clouds/Lost River Range Corridor is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(A) CORRAL-HORSE BASIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 47,000 acres, identified as “Corral-Horse Basin Wilderness” on the map entitled “Greater Salmon Selway” and dated April 28, 2016, which shall be known as the “Corral-Horse Basin Wilderness”.

(B) APPENDICITIS HILL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Upper Snake Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 22,000 acres, identified as “Appendicitis Hill Wilderness” on the map entitled “Greater Salmon Selway” and dated April 28, 2016, which shall be known as the “Appendicitis Hill Wilderness”.

(C) WHITE-KNOB MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land administered by the Upper Snake Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “White-Knob Mountains Wilderness” on the map entitled “Greater Salmon Selway” and dated April 28, 2016, which shall be known as the “White-Knob Mountains Wilderness”.

(12) GREATER GLACIER/GREATER YELLOWSTONE CORRIDOR.—The following land in Greater Glacier/Greater Yellowstone Corridor is designated as wilderness:

(A) GATES OF THE MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS ADDITION.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 20,000 acres, identified as “Gates of the Mountain Wilderness Addition” on the Map is incorporated in, and shall be administered as part of, the Gates of the Mountain Wilderness.

(B) NEW NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.—Each of the following areas of land is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System:

(i) TENDERFOOT WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 105,000 acres, identified as “Tenderfoot Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tenderfoot Wilderness”.

(ii) MIDDLE FORK JUDITH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 84,000 acres, identified as “Middle Fork Judith Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Middle Fork Judith Wilderness”.

(iii) PILGRIM CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 47,000 acres, identified as “Pilgrim Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Pilgrim Creek Wilderness”.

(iv) PAINE GULCH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “Paine Gulch Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Paine Gulch Wilderness”.

(v) SAWMILL GULCH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Sawmill Gulch Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Sawmill Gulch Wilderness”.

(vi) SPRING CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 18,000 acres, identified as “Spring Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Spring Creek Wilderness”.

(vii) TW MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 8,000 acres, identified as “TW Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “TW Mountain Wilderness”.

(viii) BIG BALDY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 43,000 acres, identified as “Big Baldy Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Big Baldy Wilderness”.

(ix) STANFORD WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Stanford Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Stanford Wilderness”.

(x) TOLLGATE-SHEEP WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 25,000 acres, identified as “Tollgate-Sheep Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Tollgate-Sheep Wilderness”.

(xi) MOUNT HIGH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 33,000 acres, identified as “Mount High Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Mount High Wilderness”.

(xii) BLUFF MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 37,000 acres, identified as “Bluff Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Bluff Mountain Wilderness”.

(xiii) NORTH FORK SMITH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 9,000 acres, identified as “North Fork Smith Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “North Fork Smith Wilderness”.

(xiv) BIG SNOWIES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest and land administered by the Lewistown Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 105,000 acres, identified as “Big Snowies Wilderness” on the map entitled “Islands in the Sky Map 3” and dated April 28, 2016, which shall be known as the “Big Snowies Wilderness”.

(xv) HIGHWOODS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 25,000 acres, identified as “Highwoods Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Highwoods Wilderness”.

(xvi) HIGHWOOD BALDY WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 16,000 acres, identified as “Highwood Baldy Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Highwood Baldy Wilderness”.

(xvii) CALF CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 10,000 acres, identified as “Calf Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Calf Creek Wilderness”.

(xviii) EAGLE CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 6,000 acres, identified as “Eagle Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Eagle Creek Wilderness”.

(xix) CASTLE MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 28,000 acres, identified as “Castle Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Castle Mountains Wilderness”.

(xx) BOX CANYON WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest comprising approximately 15,000 acres, identified as “Box Canyon Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Box Canyon Wilderness”.

(xxi) CRAZY MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Lewis and Clark National Forest and the Custer Gallatin National Forest comprising approximately 159,000 acres, identified as “Crazy Mountains Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as “Crazy Mountains Wilderness”.

(xxii) LAZYMAN GULCH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 11,000 acres, identified as “Lazyman Gulch Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Lazyman Gulch Wilderness”.

(xxiii) BIG BIRCH POND WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 19,000 acres, identified as “Big Birch Pond Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Big Birch Pond Wilderness”.

(xxiv) CAMAS CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 27,000 acres, identified as “Camas Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Camas Creek Wilderness”.

(xxv) JERICHO MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 12,000 acres, identified as “Jericho Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Jericho Mountain Wilderness”.

(xxvi) IRISH GULCH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Irish Gulch Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Irish Gulch Wilderness”.

(xxvii) GRASSY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Grassy Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Grassy Mountain Wilderness”.

(xxviii) MIDDLEMAN/HEDGES WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 34,000 acres, identified as “Middleman/Hedges Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Middleman/Hedges Wilderness”.

(xxix) HELLGATE GULCH WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 17,000 acres, identified as “Hellgate Gulch Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Hellgate Gulch Wilderness”.

(xxx) CAYUSE MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena National Forest comprising approximately 22,000 acres, identified as “Cayuse Mountain Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Cayuse Mountain Wilderness”.

(xxxi) ELECTRIC PEAK/LITTLE BLACKFOOT MEADOWS WILDERNESS, BEAVERHEAD-DEERLODGE AND HELENA NATIONAL FORESTS.—Certain Federal land within the Helena and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forests comprising approximately 53,000 acres, identified as “Electric Peak/Little Blackfoot Meadows Wilderness, Beaverhead-Deerlodge” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Electric Peak/Little Blackfoot Meadows Wilderness”.

(xxxii) WHITETAIL-HAYSTACK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 73,000 acres, identified as “Whitetail-Haystack Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Whitetail-Haystack Wilderness”.

(xxxiii) O’NEIL CREEK WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “O’Neil Creek Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “O’Neil Creek Wilderness”.

(xxxiv) BANGTAIL WILDERNESS.—Certain Federal land within the Custer Gallatin National Forest comprising approximately 51,000 acres, identified as “Bangtail Wilderness” on the Map, which shall be known as the “Bangtail Wilderness”.

(13) MT. LEIDY HIGHLANDS/WIND RIVER RANGE CORRIDOR.—Certain Federal land in Mt. Leidy Highlands/Wind River Range Corridor within the Shoshone National Forest comprising approximately 7,000 acres, identified as “Fish Lake Mountain Wilderness” on the map entitled “Greater Yellowstone” and dated April 28, 2016, is designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System and shall be known as the “Fish Lake Mountain Wilderness”.

SEC. 109. Administration.

(a) In general.—Subject to valid existing rights, land designated as wilderness by this title shall be administered by the Secretary concerned in accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), except that—

(1) any reference in that Act to the effective date shall be deemed to be a reference to the date of the enactment of this Act;

(2) any reference in that Act to the Secretary of Agriculture shall be considered to be a reference to the Secretary concerned; and

(3) the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture shall, to the maximum extent practicable, coordinate the management of an area of land designated as wilderness by this title that contains—

(A) land administered by the Secretary of the Interior; and

(B) land administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

(b) Maps and legal description.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—As soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary concerned shall submit a map and legal description of each area of land designated as wilderness by this title to—

(A) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; and

(B) the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives.

(2) FORCE AND EFFECT.—Each map and legal description prepared under paragraph (1) shall have the same force and effect as if included in this Act, except that the Secretary concerned may correct clerical and typographical errors in the map or legal description.

(3) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—Each map and legal description prepared under paragraph (1) shall be on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief of the Forest Service, the Office of the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, or the Office of the Director of the National Park Service, as appropriate.

SEC. 110. Water.

(a) Reservation.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—With respect to the land designated as wilderness by this title, rights to a quantity of water sufficient to fulfill the purposes for which the land is designated as wilderness are reserved.

(2) PRIORITY DATE.—The priority date of the rights reserved by paragraph (1) is the date of enactment of this Act.

(b) Implementation.—The Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior, and any other relevant officer of the United States shall, to the maximum extent practicable, ensure that the rights reserved by subsection (a) are protected, including by filing in a court of the State of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, or Washington claims for quantification of those rights in any appropriate stream adjudication—

(1) occurring on or after the date of enactment of this Act; and

(2) in which the United States is properly joined in accordance with section 208 of the Act of July 10, 1952 (43 U.S.C. 666) (commonly referred to as the “McCarran Amendment”).

SEC. 111. Donation of grazing permits and leases.

(a) Acceptance by Secretary concerned.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary concerned shall accept the donation of any valid existing permit or lease authorizing grazing on public land or National Forest System land, all or a portion of which is within an area designated under this Act as—

(A) a wilderness area;

(B) a recovery area; or

(C) a biological corridor.

(2) PARTIAL DONATION.—A person holding a valid grazing permit or lease for a grazing allotment partially in an area described in paragraph (1) may elect to donate only the portion of the grazing permit or lease that is within the applicable area.

(b) Termination.—With respect to each permit or lease donated under subsection (a), the Secretary concerned shall—

(1) terminate the grazing permit or lease or portion of the permit or lease; and

(2) except as provided in subsection (c), ensure a permanent end to grazing on the land covered by the permit or lease or portion of the permit or lease.

(c) Common allotments.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—If the land covered by a permit or lease donated under subsection (a) is also covered by another valid grazing permit or lease that is not donated under that subsection, the Secretary concerned shall reduce the authorized level on the land covered by the permit or lease to reflect the donation of the permit or lease under that subsection.

(2) AUTHORIZED LEVEL.—To ensure that there is a permanent reduction in the level of grazing on the land covered by the permit or lease donated under subsection (a), the Secretary concerned shall not allow grazing use on the land to exceed the authorized level established under paragraph (1).

(d) Partial donation.—If a person holding a valid grazing permit or lease donates less than the full level of grazing use authorized under the permit or lease under subsection (a), the Secretary concerned shall—

(1) reduce the authorized grazing level to reflect the donation; and

(2) modify the permit or lease to reflect the revised level.

SEC. 201. Findings.

The Congress finds that, as of the date of enactment of this Act—

(1) the most recent scientific information on ecological reserve design and function, including recent scientific information on species dispersal in response to a changing climate, points out the critical need for biological connecting corridors between the larger core ecosystem areas;

(2) while none of the remaining major wild land ecosystems of the Northern Rockies Bioregion appears to be of sufficient size to perpetuate the full complement of self-sustaining viable populations of native wildlife, biological diversity, and full range of ecological processes on its own, it appears that an effective reserve system can be achieved if biological connecting corridors between the ecosystems are identified and protected;

(3) the wild land areas addressed by this title are located between the major core ecosystems of the region and are essential for wildlife and plant migration and genetic interchange; and

(4) these areas are some of the most beautiful and wild mountain ranges in the United States, including the Bitterroot, Sapphire, Lost River, Lemhi, and Bridger mountain ranges.

SEC. 202. Designation of biological connecting corridors.

(a) Designations.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—To protect the life flow of the Northern Rockies Bioregion, the areas described in this section are designated as biological connecting corridors.

(2) TYPES OF DESIGNATED BIOLOGICAL CONNECTING CORRIDORS.—Each designated biological connecting corridor designated by this section shall be, as specified in the applicable designating subsection—

(A) an area designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System in title I; or

(B) an area subject to the special corridor management requirements described in section 203.

(3) NAME.—Each biological connecting corridor designated in this section shall be known by the name given in the subsection establishing the biological connecting corridor.

(4) MAP.—Each map described by this section shall be on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief of the Forest Service and the Office of the Director of the Bureau of Land Management.

(b) Sapphire Mountains/Continental Divide corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 120,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, and administered by the Bitterroot, Beaverhead-Deerlodge, or Lolo National Forest and land administered by the Missoula Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Sapphire Mountains/Continental Divide Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(c) Jocko Mountains/Cabinet Mountains corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 129,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, and administered by the Lolo National Forest is designated as Jocko Mountains/Cabinet Mountains Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(d) Nine Mile/Great Burn corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 73,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, and administered by the Lolo National Forest is designated as Nine Mile/Great Burn Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(e) Anaconda-Pintler Divide corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 260,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and land administered by the Dillon or Butte Field Offices of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Anaconda-Pintler Divide Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(f) Ten Lakes/Cabinet/Yaak corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 310,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Kootenai National Forest, is designated as Ten Lakes/Cabinet/Yaak Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(g) Cabinet/Yaak/Great Burn Complex corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 205,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Idaho Panhandle, Lolo, or Kootenai National Forest is designated as Cabinet/Yaak/Great Burn Complex Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(h) Cabinet/Yaak/Selkirk corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 96,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, and administered by the Idaho Panhandle, Kootenai, or Colville National Forest is designated as Cabinet/Yaak/Selkirk Biological Connecting Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(i) Cabinet/Yaak/Canada corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 41,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Idaho Panhandle or Kootenai National Forest is designated as Cabinet/Yaak/Canada Biological Connecting Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(j) Anaconda-Pintlar/Bitterroot Mountains corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 147,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and land administered by the Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Anaconda-Pintler/Bitterroot Mountains Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(k) Frank Church/Greater Yellowstone corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 642,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge, Bitterroot, Caribou-Targhee, or Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Dillon or Salmon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Frank Church/Greater Yellowstone Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(l) French Creek/Hells Canyon corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 3,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests or Payette National Forest and land administered by the Cottonwood Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as French Creek/Hells Canyon Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(m) Lemhi Mountains corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 88,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Caribou-Targhee or Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Upper Snake or Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Lemhi Mountains Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(n) Lost River Range corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 64,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Upper Snake or Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Lost River Range Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(o) Frank Church Complex/Lemhi Range corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 3,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Frank Church Complex/Lemhi Range Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(p) Boulder/White Clouds/Lost River Range corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 88,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Upper Snake or Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Boulder/White Clouds/Lost River Range Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(q) Bitterroot/Lemhi corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 20,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Salmon-Challis National Forest and land administered by the Challis Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Frank Church Complex/Lemhi Range Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(r) Greater Glacier/Greater Yellowstone corridor.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 542,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Custer Gallatin, Helena, or Lewis and Clark National Forest and land administered by the Lewistown Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Greater Glacier/Greater Yellowstone Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

(s) Mt. Leidy Highlands/Wind River Range corridors.—Certain Federal land comprising approximately 69,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act” and dated April 28, 2016, within the Bridger-Teton or Shoshone National Forest and land administered by the Lewistown Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is designated as Mt. Leidy Highlands/Wind River Range Corridor and shall be subject to the special corridor management requirements under section 203.

SEC. 203. Treatment of biological connecting corridors.

(a) In general.—Those portions of the biological connecting corridors designated by section 202 are designated as special corridor management areas and shall be managed according to the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 (16 U.S.C. 528 et seq.) and other applicable laws and in accordance with subsection (b).

(b) Requirements.—

(1) SILVICULTURAL MANAGEMENT AND TIMBER HARVESTING.—The practice of even-aged silvicultural management and timber harvesting is prohibited within the special corridor management areas.

(2) MINING, OIL, GAS, AND ROADS.—Subject to valid existing rights, mining, oil, and gas exploration and development and new road construction or reconstruction is prohibited within the special corridor management areas.


(A) IN GENERAL.—The Federal land management agency responsible for the administration of a special corridor management area or portion of a special corridor management area shall act immediately to ensure that road densities within the biological connecting corridor approach, to the maximum extent practicable, zero miles of road per square mile of land area.

(B) LIMITATION.—The road density described in subparagraph (A) shall not exceed 0.25 miles per square mile, using the method known as the “moving window” method.

SEC. 204. Applicability of title.

(a) Federal land management agencies.—This title shall apply only to National Forest System land and land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

(b) Private land and landowners.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—No private land is affected by this title and no private landowner whose land is adjacent to the designated biological connecting corridors shall be compelled, under any circumstances, to comply with this title.

(2) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—A private landowner may enter into a cooperative agreement with the Federal Government on a willing participant or willing seller basis to include the land of the private landowner in a biological connecting corridor designated by this title.

SEC. 205. Cooperative agreements and land trades and acquisitions.

(a) Cooperative agreements.—The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture shall seek to enter into cooperative agreements with private, State, and corporate landowners and sovereign Indian Tribes the land of which is adjacent to one or more biological connecting corridors designated under this title, if those agreements would benefit the ecological integrity and function of the designated corridors.

(b) Land trades and acquisitions.—The Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior may undertake land trades or acquisitions to carry out the purposes of this title if the Secretary concerned considers the action to be appropriate.

(c) Report.—As part of the report required by section 501, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior shall describe the progress of cooperative agreements, acquisitions, and proposed land exchanges sought pursuant to this section.

SEC. 206. Exemption of certain roads and highways.

(a) Exemption.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—The roads and highways described in subsection (b) are expressly exempted from this title.

(2) ADDITIONAL ROADS.—If the Secretary determines that any Federal, State, county, or private road has been mistakenly omitted from the list in subsection (b), the Secretary may exempt the road from this title, if the Secretary determines that the exemption is necessary to carry out the purposes of this title.

(b) Description.—The roads and highways referred to in subsection (a) are the following:

(1) United States Highways 2, 10, 12, 20, 89, 91, 93, 95, and 287.

(2) Interstate Highways 15 and 90.

(3) Idaho State Highways 3, 28, 29, and 87.

(4) Montana State Highways 2, 37, 38, 41, 43, 56, 58, 83, 87, 135, 200, 278, 287, 293, 294, 298, and 324.

(5) Montana Secondary Roads 92, 278, 279, 294, 298, 324, 411, and 508.

(6) The Thompson Pass Road, Montana-Idaho.

(7) The Moyie Springs to East Port Road, Idaho.

(8) The Red Rock Pass Road, Montana.

(9) Boundary County, Idaho, Routes 3, 18, 34, and 47.

(10) Lolo National Forest Route 102.

(11) Gallatin National Forest Route 259.

(12) Kelly Canyon and Middle Fork Canyon Roads, Gallatin National Forest.

(13) Lewis and Clark County, Montana, Roads 4, 164, 280, 287, and 291.

(14) The Beaverhead-Deerlodge to Basin Road, Montana.

(15) The Marysville to Avon Road, Montana.

(16) The Pahsimeroi Road, Butte County, Idaho.

SEC. 301. Designation of wild and scenic rivers in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

Section 3(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(231) SOUTH FORK PAYETTE, IDAHO.—The segment within the Boise and Sawtooth National Forests from the Sawtooth Wilderness Boundary downstream approximately 54 miles to confluence with the Middle Fork and then downstream on the main stem to the confluence with the North Fork, as generally depicted on the boundary map entitled ‘South Fork Payette Wild River’ and dated January 2003, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(232) MIDDLE FORK PAYETTE, IDAHO.—The segment within the Boise National Forest from Railroad Pass downstream approximately 33 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(233) DEADWOOD, IDAHO.—The segment within the Boise National Forest from Threemile Creek downstream approximately 22 miles to the South Fork of the Payette, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(234) UPPER PRIEST, IDAHO.—The segment within the Panhandle National Forest from the Canadian border downstream approximately 19 miles to Upper Priest Lake, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(235) COEUR D’ALENE, IDAHO.—The segment within the Panhandle National Forest from the headwaters downstream approximately 58 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(236) LITTLE NORTH FORK CLEARWATER, IDAHO.—The segment within the Idaho Panhandle National Forest and the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from the headwaters downstream approximately 37 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(237) KELLY CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from its headwaters downstream approximately 31 miles to the North Fork of the Clearwater River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(238) CAYUSE CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from its headwaters downstream approximately 39 miles to the confluence of Kelly Creek, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(239) BARGAMIN CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 21 miles, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(240) LAKE CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from the wilderness boundary downstream approximately 10 miles to Crooked Creek, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(241) MEADOW CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from its headwaters downstream approximately 34 miles to its confluence with the Selway River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(242) RUNNING CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests comprising approximately 20 miles, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(243) SALMON, IDAHO.—

“(A) VINEGAR CREEK.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests and Payette National Forest from Vinegar Creek downstream approximately 25 miles to the Little Salmon River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(B) SALMON.—The segment on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management from Hammer Creek downstream approximately 45 miles to the confluence with the Snake River, to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

“(C) SALMON.—The segment on public lands within the Sawtooth National Recreation Area from its headwaters downstream approximately 60 miles to the recreation area boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(244) EAST FORK SALMON, IDAHO.—The segment within the Sawtooth National Recreation Area from the headwaters downstream approximately 42 miles to the recreation area boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(245) NORTH FORK CLEARWATER, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from the headwaters downstream to the Dworkshak Reservoir, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(246) NORTH FORK COEUR D’ALENE, IDAHO.—The segment within the Panhandle National Forest from its headwaters south of Honey Mountain downstream to its confluence with the Coeur d’Alene River to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(247) PACK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Panhandle National Forest from Harrison Lake downstream approximately 14 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(248) HENRY’S FORK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest from Big Springs downstream to the national forest boundary, except for Island Park Reservoir, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(249) FALLS RIVER, IDAHO.—The segment within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest from Yellowstone National Park downstream approximately 13 miles to the National Forest Boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a wild river.

“(250) LOCHSA RIVER WATERSHED, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests of the Lochsa River from the confluence of Colt Killed Creek and Crooked Fork downstream approximately 2 miles to the beginning of the Lochsa Recreational River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(251) COLT KILLED CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from its headwaters at Big Sand Lake downstream approximately 23 miles to its confluence with Crooked Fork, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(252) MOOSE CREEK COMPLEX, IDAHO.—The main segment, including the North Fork segment, the East Fork segment, the West Moose segment, and the Rhoda Creek segment comprising approximately 86 miles within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(253) BEAR CREEK COMPLEX, IDAHO.—The Bear Creek segment, the Club Creek segment, the Paradise Creek segment, the Brushy Fork Creek segment, and the Wahoo Creek segment comprising approximately 70 miles within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(254) THREE LINKS CREEK COMPLEX, IDAHO.—The Three Links Creek segment and the West Fork Three Links Creek segment comprising approximately 23 miles within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(255) GEDNEY CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from its headwaters downstream approximately 14.5 miles to the confluence the Selway River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(256) SOUTH FORK CLEARWATER, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from the confluence of the Red and American Rivers downstream to the national forest boundary comprising approximately 40 miles, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(257) JOHNS CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from the headwaters downstream to its confluence with the South Fork Clearwater, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(258) SLATE CREEK, IDAHO.—The segment within the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests from the headwaters downstream the source approximately 15 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(259) SOUTH FORK TWO MEDICINE RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from its headwaters downstream approximately 10 miles to the Sawmill Flat Trailhead, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(260) BADGER CREEK, INCLUDING THE SOUTH AND NORTH FORKS, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from its headwaters downstream approximately 24 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(261) DEARBORN, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest downstream approximately 19 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(262) NORTH FORK BIRCH CREEK, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from its headwaters downstream approximately 7 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(263) SOUTH FORK SUN, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from its headwaters at Sun Lake downstream approximately 26 miles to its confluence with the North Fork, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(264) NORTH FORK SUN, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from the confluence of Open Creek and Fool Creek downstream approximately 27 miles, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(265) TENDERFOOT CREEK, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from the top of Tenderfoot Creek Falls downstream approximately 5 miles to the Smith River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(266) GREEN FORK STRAIGHT CREEK, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from its headwaters downstream approximately 5 miles to Straight Creek, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(267) YAAK RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Kootenai National Forest from the Yaak Falls downstream 46 miles to the mouth of the Yaak River at the junction of the Kootenai River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(268) KOOTENAI RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Kootenai National Forest from the junction of the Fisher River downstream approximately 46 miles to the State line, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(269) BULL RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Kootenai National Forest from the junction of the North and South Forks downstream 21 miles to the Cabinet Gorge Reservoir, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(270) VERMILLION RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Kootenai National Forest from the junction of Willow Creek, downstream 12 miles to the Noxon Reservoir, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(271) WEST FORK MADISON, MONTANA.—The segment within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest from approximately the midpoint of T. 12 S., R. 2 W., sec. 28, downstream approximately 21 miles to the West Fork Rest Area, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(272) ELK RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest in the southeast corner of T. 11 S., R. 2 W., sec. 16, downstream approximately 17 miles to the confluence with the West Fork of the Madison River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(273) BROWNS CREEK, MONTANA.—The segment within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest from the west central part of T. 8 S., R. 14 W., sec. 1, downstream approximately 4 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(274) CANYON CREEK, MONTANA.—The segment within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest from Canyon Lake downstream approximately 4 miles to the end of USFS road 7401, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(275) DEADMAN CREEK, MONTANA.—The segment within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest from its headwaters source downstream approximately 10 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(276) SMITH RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from Tenderfoot Creek downstream approximately 12 miles to Deep Creek, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(277) MIDDLE FORK JUDITH RIVER, MONTANA.—The segment within the Lewis and Clark National Forest from Arch Coulee Junction downstream approximately 5 miles to the national forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(278) ROCK CREEK WATERSHED, MONTANA.—The segments within the Lolo and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forests including the main fork of Rock Creek, the West Fork of Rock Creek, the East Fork of Rock Creek, the Ross Fork of Rock Creek, the Middle Fork of Rock Creek, the Carpp Creek segment, the Copper Creek segment, the Ranch Creek segment, the Welcome Creek segment, the Alder Creek segment, the Hogback Creek segment, the Wyman Gulch segment, the Stony Creek segment, the West Fork segment, and the Ross Fork segment comprising approximately 134 miles, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(279) SALT RIVER, WYOMING.—The segment within the Bridger-Teton National Forest from the headwaters downstream approximately 12 miles to forest road 10072, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(280) SWIFT CREEK, WYOMING.—The segment within the Bridger-Teton National Forest from the source downstream approximately 8 miles to Periodic Spring, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(281) HOBACK RIVER, WYOMING.—The segment within the Bridger-Teton National Forest from the source downstream approximately 10 miles to the end of forest road 30710, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(282) THOROFARE, WYOMING.—The segment of the main stem within the Bridger-Teton National Forest from the headwaters downstream approximately 25 miles to the confluence with the Yellowstone River, and the headwaters of Open Creek downstream 10 miles to the confluence with the main stem, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(283) ATLANTIC CREEK, WYOMING.—The segment within the Bridger-Teton National Forest from the Parting of the Waters downstream approximately 10 miles to the confluence with the Yellowstone River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(284) YELLOWSTONE, WYOMING.—The segment within the Bridger-Teton National Forest from the headwater downstream approximately 28 miles to the boundary of Yellowstone National Park, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

“(285) YELLOWSTONE RIVER, WYOMING AND MONTANA.—The segment within the Custer Gallatin National Forest and Yellowstone National Park from the southern boundary of Yellowstone National Park downstream approximately 102 miles to the mouth of Yankee Jim Canyon, to be administered by the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture.”.

SEC. 401. Definitions.

In this title:

(1) RECOVERY.—The term “recovery”, with respect to any land damaged by a land management activity, means the restoration of—

(A) the natural, untrammeled condition of the land; or

(B) the undeveloped, roadless character of the land.

(2) RECOVERY AREA.—The term “recovery area” means any area designated as a wildland recovery area by section 402(a).

(3) SECRETARY.—The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Agriculture.

SEC. 402. Restoration and recovery.

(a) Designation of recovery areas.—Except as provided in subsection (b), the following areas, consisting of a total of approximately 1,023,000 acres, as depicted on the map dated April 28, 2016, and entitled “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act”, are designated as wildland recovery areas:

(1) Skyland area, consisting of approximately 10,000 acres administered by the Flathead National Forest.

(2) Hungry Horse area (except Hungry Horse Dam and Reservoir), consisting of approximately 205,000 acres administered by the Flathead National Forest.

(3) Lolo Creek area, consisting of approximately 59,000 acres administered by the Lolo or Clearwater National Forest.

(4) Yellowstone West area, consisting of approximately 164,000 acres administered by the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.

(5) Mt. Leidy area, consisting of approximately 70,000 acres administered by the Bridger-Teton National Forest.

(6) Cabinet/Yaak area, consisting of approximately 100,000 acres administered by the Kootenai National Forest.

(7) Lightning Creek area, consisting of approximately 31,000 acres administered by the Panhandle National Forest.

(8) Coeur d’Alene River area, consisting of approximately 372,000 acres administered by the Panhandle National Forest.

(9) Magruder Corridor area, consisting of approximately 12,000 acres administered by the Nez Perce or Bitterroot National Forest.

(b) Exemptions.—Subject to subsection (c), the following roads, highways, and facilities are exempted from this title:

(1) Any road that is—

(A) (i) a private road; or

(ii) owned by the Federal Government, a State government, or a unit of local government (including any National Forest System road); and

(B) used to access an existing, authorized use.

(2) Any facility, such as a developed campground, ranger station, or other facility, that is determined to be essential by the Chief of the Forest Service.

(c) Requirement.—Notwithstanding subsection (b), in accordance with the plans developed under section 403, the Secretary—

(1) shall recover and restore the portion of the Magruder Corridor between Magruder Crossing and Dry Saddle; and

(2) may recover and restore any National Forest System road or Forest Service development or facility located in a recovery area.

SEC. 403. Management.

(a) Restoration requirements.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—The land located within a recovery area shall be managed in a manner that, to the maximum extent practicable—

(A) restores the native vegetative cover of the land;

(B) reduces or eliminates invasive nonnative species;

(C) facilitates native species diversity, subject to the conditions imposed by climate change;

(D) stabilizes slopes and soils to prevent or reduce further erosion;

(E) recontours slopes to their original contours;

(F) removes barriers to natural fish spawning runs; and

(G) generally restores the land to a natural roadless and wild condition.

(2) WATER QUALITY.—In the management of a recovery area, special consideration shall be given to restoration of water quality.

(b) Recovery plans.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall develop a wildland recovery plan for each recovery area.

(2) INCLUSIONS.—Each recovery plan under paragraph (1) shall include a description of the projects, activities, and funding required to achieve compliance with the requirements of this section.

(c) Evaluation.—The Secretary shall use measurable criteria to evaluate the success of recovery actions carried out pursuant to this section.

SEC. 501. Implementation report.

Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretaries concerned shall jointly submit to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a report that—

(1) is prepared by a panel of independent scientists, to be appointed by the National Academy of Sciences, in consultation with the Society for Conservation Biology; and

(2) describes—

(A) the implementation of this Act during the preceding 3-year period; and

(B) any additional projects, activities, and funding required to achieve the purposes of this Act.

SEC. 502. Interagency team.

(a) Establishment.—The Secretaries concerned shall jointly establish an interagency team, containing an equal number of participants from the public and private sectors, to monitor, evaluate, and make recommendations to ensure achievement of the long-term results required by this Act.

(b) Geographic information system.—


(A) IN GENERAL.—The interagency team established under subsection (a) shall develop a geographic information system for monitoring the Northern Rockies Bioregion.

(B) REQUIREMENT.—The geographic information system under subparagraph (A) shall—

(i) be based on satellite-gathered data; and

(ii) include comprehensive maps and databases to assist in the detection of changes in the Northern Rockies Bioregion.

(2) TYPES OF INFORMATION.—The maps and databases included in the geographic information system under paragraph (1) shall be updated periodically to record the following:

(A) Vegetation cover (including a description of species occurrence and densities).

(B) Human impacts.

(C) Water and air quality.

(D) Activities that impact forest husbandry and restoration.

(3) STATUS REPORTS.—The geographic information system under paragraph (1) shall include status reports regarding—

(A) the progress of relevant ecosystem protection, corridor consolidation, and forest recovery efforts; and

(B) relevant threatened and endangered species, which are primary indicators of ecosystem health.

(c) Wildlife movements.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—The interagency team established under subsection (a) shall assess the potential for facilitating wildlife movement across or under major highways and rail lines within the biological corridors established under title II.

(2) REQUIREMENT.—The assessment under paragraph (1) shall include an identification of major crossing points and practicable management actions to enhance the suitability of the crossing points as movement corridors, including underpasses, overpasses, and other methods for reducing the danger to native wildlife while facilitating movements within the Northern Rockies Bioregion.

SEC. 503. Roadless land evaluation.

(a) Definition of roadless land.—In this section, the term “roadless land” means land that is—

(1) greater than 1,000 acres in area;

(2) located within the National Forest System in the Wild Rockies Bioregion in the State of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, or Wyoming; and

(3) not designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System under this Act or any other provision of law.

(b) Evaluation.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—The panel of independent scientists described in section 501(1) shall—

(A) subject to paragraph (2), identify and evaluate roadless land;

(B) study the role of roadless land—

(i) in maintaining biological diversity in the Northern Rockies; and

(ii) as part of the overall Forest Reserve System; and

(C) include in the report under section 501 recommendations regarding the management of roadless land.

(2) SOURCES OF INFORMATION.—In identifying and evaluating roadless land under paragraph (1)(A), the panel shall use, in addition to other information sources, existing satellite information and geographic information system data developed by—

(A) the Forest Service;

(B) the Bureau of Land Management; and

(C) the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

(c) Prohibition.—Effective beginning on the date of completion of the evaluation under subsection (b), there is prohibited on roadless land—

(1) any construction or reconstruction of a new or existing road;

(2) any timber harvesting (except firewood gathering); and

(3) subject to valid existing rights, any oil or gas leasing, mining, or other development that impairs the natural and roadless qualities of roadless land.

SEC. 601. Rights of Indian Tribes.

Nothing in this Act affects or modifies any treaty or other right of an Indian Tribe.

SEC. 602. Federal trust responsibility.

Nothing in this Act amends, alters, or gives priority over the Federal trust responsibility to Indian Tribes.

SEC. 603. Exemption from Freedom of Information Act.

If a Federal department or agency receives any information relating to a sacred site or cultural activity identified by an Indian Tribe as confidential, the information shall be exempt from disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the “Freedom of Information Act”).

SEC. 604. Application of Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.

The Secretary of the Interior may apply the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) as the Secretary determines to be appropriate in carrying out this Act.

SEC. 605. Tribal use of protected areas.

(a) Definition of protected area.—In this section, the term “protected area” means land designated under this Act as—

(1) a wilderness area;

(2) a recovery area;

(3) a wild or scenic river; or

(4) a biological corridor.

(b) Access to protected areas.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—In recognition of the past use of portions of protected areas by Indians for traditional cultural and religious purposes, the Secretaries concerned shall ensure nonexclusive access by Indians to any applicable protected area for such a traditional cultural or religious purpose.

(2) CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE LAW.—The access under paragraph (1) shall be consistent with the purposes and intent of—

(A) Public Law 95–341 (commonly known as the “American Indian Religious Freedom Act”) (42 U.S.C. 1996); and

(B) in the case of any protected area designated as wilderness under this Act, the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.).

(3) CLOSING TO PUBLIC.—The Secretaries concerned, in accordance with the provisions of law referred to in paragraph (2) and on receipt of a request from an Indian Tribe, from time to time may temporarily close to the general public one or more specific portions of a protected area to protect the privacy of a religious activity or cultural use by an Indian.

(4) RECOMMENDATIONS FROM INDIAN TRIBES.—In preparing a management plan for a protected area, the Secretaries concerned shall request that the head of each applicable Tribal government submit to the Secretaries concerned recommendations with respect to—

(A) ensuring access by Indians to important sites;

(B) enhancing the privacy of Indian traditional cultural and religious activities; and

(C) protecting Indian cultural and religious sites.

SEC. 701. Water rights.

Nothing in this Act relinquishes or reduces any water right reserved, appropriated, or otherwise secured by the United States in the State of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, or Wyoming on or before the date of enactment of this Act.