Bill Sponsor
House Bill 908
117th Congress(2021-2022)
MORE Health Education Act
Introduced in House on Feb 8, 2021
Introduced in House 
Feb 8, 2021
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Introduced in House(Feb 8, 2021)
Feb 8, 2021
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Multiple bills can contain the same text. This could be an identical bill in the opposite chamber or a smaller bill with a section embedded in a larger bill.
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H. R. 908 (Introduced-in-House)

1st Session
H. R. 908

To amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to provide for Federal Exchange outreach and educational activities.


February 8, 2021

Ms. Blunt Rochester (for herself, Mr. Carbajal, Ms. Jackson Lee, Ms. Castor of Florida, Mr. Rush, Mr. Butterfield, and Mr. Cohen) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce


To amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to provide for Federal Exchange outreach and educational activities.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title.

This Act may be cited as the “Marketing and Outreach Restoration to Empower Health Education Act of 2021” or the “MORE Health Education Act”.

SEC. 2. Federal Exchange outreach and educational activities.

Section 1321(c) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 18041(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:


“(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of an Exchange established or operated by the Secretary within a State pursuant to this subsection, the Secretary shall carry out outreach and educational activities for purposes of informing potential enrollees in qualified health plans offered through the Exchange of the availability of coverage under such plans and financial assistance for coverage under such plans. Such outreach and educational activities shall be provided in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate to the needs of the populations being served by the Exchange (including hard-to-reach populations, such as racial and sexual minorities, limited English proficient populations, and young adults).

“(B) LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS.—No funds appropriated under this paragraph shall be used for expenditures for promoting non-ACA compliant health insurance coverage.

“(C) NON-ACA COMPLIANT HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE.—For purposes of this subparagraph (B):

“(i) The term ‘non-ACA compliant health insurance coverage’ means health insurance coverage, or a group health plan, that is not a qualified health plan.

“(ii) Such term includes the following:

“(I) An association health plan.

“(II) Short-term limited duration insurance.

“(D) FUNDING.—Out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, there are hereby appropriated for fiscal year 2022 and each subsequent fiscal year, $100,000,000 to carry out this paragraph. Funds appropriated under this subparagraph shall remain available until expended.”.