Bill Sponsor
Virginia House Bill 4
Session 2023
School principals; incident reports, written threats against school personnel, etc.
Became Law
Became Law
Signed by Governor on May 27, 2022
First Action
Dec 6, 2021
Latest Action
May 27, 2022
Origin Chamber
Bill Number
House Votes (6)
Senate Votes (4)
Motion Text
VOTE: Adoption (88-Y 12-N)
House Roll Call Votes
School principals; incident reports. Requiresthat school principals report to law enforcement certain enumeratedacts that may constitute a misdemeanor offense and report to the parentsof any minor student who is the specific object of such act that theincident has been reported to law enforcement. Under current law,principals are required to make such reports only for such acts thatmay constitute a felony offense. School principals; incident reports. Requires that school principals report to law enforcement certain enumerated acts that may constitute a misdemeanor offense and report to the parents of any minor student who is the specific object of such act that the incident has been reported to law enforcement. Under current law, principals are required to make such reports only for such acts that may constitute a felony offense. The bill provides, as an exception to the requirement to report any written threats against school personnel while on a school bus, on school property, or at a school-sponsored activity, that a principal is not required but may report to the local law-enforcement agency any such incident committed by a student who has an individualized education plan. This bill is identical to SB 36. School principals; incident reports. Requires that school principals report to law enforcement certain enumerated acts that may constitute a misdemeanor offense and report to the parents of any minor student who is the specific object of such act that the incident has been reported to law enforcement. Under current law, principals are required to make such reports only for such acts that may constitute a felony offense. The bill provides, as an exception to the requirement to report any written threats against school personnel while on a school bus, on school property, or at a school-sponsored activity, that a principal is not required but may report to the local law-enforcement agency any such incident committed by a student who has a disability. This bill is identical to SB 36. School principals; incident reports. Requiresthat school principals report to law enforcement certain enumerated acts that may constitute a misdemeanor offense and report to theparents of any minor student who is the specific object of such actthat the incident has been reported to law enforcement. Under currentlaw, principals are required to make such reports only for such actsthat may constitute a felony offense.
Record Created
Jun 22, 2022 12:10:28 PM
Record Updated
Aug 17, 2022 6:14:31 PM