Bill Sponsor
House Bill 7900
117th Congress(2021-2022)
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023
Passed House on Jul 14, 2022
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H. R. 7900 (Introduced-in-House)

2d Session
H. R. 7900

To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2023 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.


May 27, 2022

Mr. Smith of Washington (by request) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services


To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2023 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title.

This Act may be cited as the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023”.

SEC. 2. Table of contents.

The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.

Sec. 2. Table of contents.

Sec. 101. Army.

Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps.

Sec. 103. Air Force and Space Force.

Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.

Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.

Sec. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).

Sec. 414. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active duty for operational support.

Sec. 421. Military personnel.

Sec. 1401. Working capital funds.

Sec. 1402. Chemical agents and munitions destruction, defense.

Sec. 1403. Drug interdiction and counter-drug activities, defense.

Sec. 1404. Defense inspector general.

Sec. 1405. Defense health program.

SEC. 101. Army.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2023 for procurement for the Army as follows:

(1) For aircraft, $2,849,655,000.

(2) For missiles, $3,761,915,000.

(3) For ammunition, $2,639,051,000.

(4) For weapons and tracked combat vehicles, $3,576,030,000.

(5) For other procurement, $8,457,509,000.

SEC. 102. Navy and Marine Corps.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2023 for procurement for the Navy and Marine Corps as follows:

(1) For aircraft, $16,848,428,000.

(2) For shipbuilding and conversion, $27,917,854,000.

(3) For ammunition procurement, Navy and Marine Corps, $1,052,292,000.

(4) For weapons, $4,738,705,000.

(5) For other procurement, $11,746,503,000.

(6) For procurement, Marine Corps, $3,681,506,000.

SEC. 103. Air Force and Space Force.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2023 for procurement for the Air Force and Space Force as follows:

(1) For aircraft, $18,517,428,000.

(2) For missiles, $2,962,417,000.

(3) For ammunition, $903,630,000.

(4) For other procurement, $25,691,113,000.

SEC. 201. Authorization of appropriations.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2023 for the use of the Department of Defense for research, development, test, and evaluation as follows:

(1) For the Army, $13,710,273,000.

(2) For the Navy, $24,078,718,000.

(3) For the Air Force, $44,134,301,000.

(4) For the Space Force, $15,819,372,000.

(5) For Defense-wide activities, $32,077,552,000.

(6) For the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, $277,194,000.

SEC. 401. End strengths for active forces.

The Armed Forces are authorized strengths for active duty personnel as of September 30, 2023, as follows:

(1) The Army, 473,000.

(2) The Navy, 346,300.

(3) The Marine Corps, 177,000.

(4) The Air Force, 323,400.

(5) The Space Force, 8,600.

SEC. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).

The minimum number of military technicians (dual status) as of the last day of fiscal year 2023 for the reserve components of the Army and the Air Force (notwithstanding section 129 of title 10, United States Code) shall be the following:

(1) For the Army National Guard of the United States, 22,294.

(2) For the Army Reserve, 6,492.

(3) For the Air National Guard of the United States, 9,892.

(4) For the Air Force Reserve, 6,696.

SEC. 414. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active duty for operational support.

During fiscal year 2023, the maximum number of members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces who may be serving at any time on full-time operational support duty under section 115(b) of title 10, United States Code, is the following:

(1) The Army National Guard of the United States, 17,000.

(2) The Army Reserve, 13,000.

(3) The Navy Reserve, 6,200.

(4) The Marine Corps Reserve, 3,000.

(5) The Air National Guard of the United States, 16,000.

(6) The Air Force Reserve, 14,000.

SEC. 421. Military personnel.

There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for military personnel for fiscal year 2023 a total of $164,139,628,000.

SEC. 1401. Working capital funds.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2023 for the use of the Armed Forces and other activities and agencies of the Department of Defense for providing capital for working capital and revolving funds in the amount of $1,583,395,000.

SEC. 1402. Chemical agents and munitions destruction, defense.

(a) Authorization of appropriations.—Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2023 for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense, in the amount of $1,059,818,000 of which—

(1) $84,612,000 is for Operation and Maintenance; and

(2) $975,206,000 is for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation.

(b) Use.—Amounts authorized to be appropriated under subsection (a) are authorized for—

(1) the destruction of lethal chemical agents and munitions in accordance with section 1412 of the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1986 (50 U.S.C. 1521); and

(2) the destruction of chemical warfare materiel of the United States that is not covered by section 1412 of such Act.

SEC. 1403. Drug interdiction and counter-drug activities, defense.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2023 for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense, in the amount of $855,728,000.

SEC. 1404. Defense inspector general.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2023 for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, in the amount of $479,359,000 of which—

(1) $475,971,000 is for Operation and Maintenance;

(2) $1,864,000 is for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation; and

(3) $1,524,000 is for Procurement.

SEC. 1405. Defense health program.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2023 for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for the Defense Health Program, in the amount of $36,932,174,000 of which—

(1) $35,314,750,000 is for Operation and Maintenance;

(2) $909,994,000 is for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation;

(3) $570,074,000 is for Procurement; and

(4) $137,356,000 is for Software and Digital Technology Pilot Programs.