This bill addresses education programs and assistance for veterans during emergency situations.
Specifically, the bill authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to continue paying work-study allowances during the COVID-19 public health emergency period.
The VA is also authorized to continue paying educational assistance and subsistence allowances between March 1-December 21, 2020, for programs of education that are suspended due to an emergency situation or school closure.
An educational assistance payment shall not be charged against an individual's entitlement to educational assistance if an individual was unable to complete a course or program due to the temporary closure of an educational institution or the temporary termination of a program by reason of an emergency situation occurring between March 1-December 21, 2020. This includes assistance related to training and rehabilitation programs for veterans with service-connected disabilities.
The bill extends the time limitation for using educational assistance under the Montgomery GI Bill and the Post-9/11 GI Bill when institutions are closed due to an executive order or emergency situation occurring between March 1-December 21, 2020. It also extends the time limitation for participation in a vocational rehabilitation program when such participation is prevented due to an executive order or emergency situation occurring between March 1-December 21, 2020.
The bill authorizes the VA to pay a subsistence allowance for two additional months to a veteran following a program of employment services from March 1-December 21, 2020, for full-time training for the type of program the veteran was pursuing.