Bill Sponsor
House Bill 6884
117th Congress(2021-2022)
American Energy Independence Act of 2022
Introduced in House on Mar 1, 2022
Mar 1, 2022
Latest Action
Mar 8, 2022
Origin Chamber
The primary form of legislative measure used to propose law. Depending on the chamber of origin, bills begin with a designation of either H.R. or S. Joint resolution is another form of legislative measure used to propose law.
Bill Number
Policy Area
Primary focus of measure is all sources and supplies of energy, including alternative energy sources, oil and gas, coal, nuclear power; efficiency and conservation; costs, prices, and revenues; electric power transmission; public utility matters.
Sponsorship by Party
House Votes (0)
Senate Votes (0)
No House votes have been held for this bill.

American Energy Independence Act of 2022

This bill addresses U.S. energy independence, the production and importation of oil and natural gas, and the rescission of specified environmental requirements. Specifically, the bill directs the President to develop a plan for the United States to achieve energy independence by 2024. The Department of Energy (DOE) must also develop a program and issue rules to ensure that the United States achieves such energy independence and becomes a net exporter of energy.

The bill also addresses energy pipelines, including by approving the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline in Phillips County, Montana for the import of oil from Canada to the United States. It also provides for energy production, including by requiring regulations to be issued by

  • DOE to reduce requirements on entities harvesting energy through hydraulic fracturing,
  • the Department of Transportation to promote stable and affordable gasoline and diesel prices, and
  • the Department of the Interior to promote the leasing of federal land for oil and natural gas production.

In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must identify and repeal certain regulations that substantially reduce energy independence. Further, the bill prohibits the use of any funds to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change. Finally, the bill rescinds (1) Executive Order 14008 about tackling climate change, (2) the 2021 proposed rule issued by the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about the scope of the Clean Water Act, and (3) the 2021 proposed rule issued by the EPA about methane gas emissions.

Text (1)
March 1, 2022
Actions (6)
Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy.
Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Armed Services, Agriculture, Financial Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence (Permanent Select), and Oversight and Reform, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Introduced in House
Public Record
Record Updated
Dec 29, 2022 9:48:17 PM