Bill Sponsor
California Senate Bill 1035
Session 20212022
Mental health services: assisted outpatient treatment.
Became Law
Became Law
Became Law on Sep 29, 2022
First Action
Feb 15, 2022
Latest Action
Sep 29, 2022
Origin Chamber
Bill Number
Sponsorship by Party
The Assisted Outpatient Treatment Demonstration Project Act of 2002, known as Laura's Law, as of July 1, 2021, requires a county or group of counties to provide mental health programs, as specified, unless a county or group of counties opts out by a resolution passed by the governing body stating the reasons for opting out and any facts or circumstances relied on in making that decision. Existing law authorizes participating counties to pay for the services provided from moneys distributed to the counties from various continuously appropriated funds, including the Mental Health Services Fund, when included in a county plan, as specified. Existing law authorizes a court to order a person who is the subject of a petition filed pursuant to specified requirements to obtain assisted outpatient treatment if the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, that various conditions are met. Existing law requires a court to dismiss that petition if, after hearing all relevant evidence, it finds that the person who is the subject of the petition does not meet the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment. Existing law also requires the director to file an affidavit with the court that ordered the outpatient treatment affirming that the person who is the subject of the order continues to meet the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment, at specified intervals. This bill would authorize the court to conduct status hearings with the person and the treatment team to receive information regarding progress related to the categories of treatment listed in the treatment plan and authorize the court to inquire about medication adherence. The bill would also require the director of the outpatient treatment program to also report to the court on adherence to prescribed medication when making the above-described affidavit.
Record Created
Feb 17, 2022 12:13:08 PM
Record Updated
Nov 18, 2022 12:26:00 PM