Venezuela Arms Restriction Act
This bill prohibits the export of weapons and related services to security forces controlled by any Venezuelan government not recognized by the United States.
(The United States recognizes Juan Guaido as interim president, not the government of President Nicolas Maduro.)
The prohibition includes weapons, weapons systems, munitions, and equipment or materials necessary to produce such weapons. Defense services, including testing and repair of weapons, technical assistance, and training, are also prohibited.
The Department of State shall report to Congress on the transfer of the prohibited items and services by foreign persons to the unrecognized Venezuelan government security forces. The report shall also include information on any known use of the prohibited items and services by such security forces.
The unrecognized Venezuelan security forces include (1) the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, including the Bolivarian National Guard; (2) the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service; (3) the Bolivarian National Police; and (4) the Bureau for Scientific, Criminal and Forensic Investigations of the Ministry of Interior, Justice, and Peace.